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Christmas Eve Semi-Relaxed Scramble ~ 2006-12-24

Here it is Christmas Eve and have I done any baking yet? Nope! More photo framining and hanging filled my day yesterday. Bad, bad hostess. Oh well, there's always today.

Here's a shot of my ghettolicious collage ...

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It doesn't look too outrageous until compared with the full sized (messy, but not for long) desk ...

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And in the spirit of togetherness, my favorite item on the desk and Hubbys: a huge gargoyle and a electronic remote control that goes through walls! You guess whose is whose.

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Hubby continues to make great strides in the caring department, even to the point of working passed his bubble of comfort. Wouldn't it be lovely if this nice behavior became a habit and then just the way he is? That would be my Christmas wish!

Today we are shopping for food-stuffs and having breakfast out. Then we will come home and he will hopefully find time to fix Oldest Son's brakes and get a lift, a run and whatever else he wants to do into his day. I will be getting the house ready for company and baking some desserts. I've decided there's no reason for me to bust my butt doing platters this year. People will get what they get. I'm the only one in our circle of friends who does baking so they can just be thankful for the cookies and fudge that comes their way. Um, fudge.

Have I told you holiday desserts have negative calories? Yep, they sure do! A piece of Rocky Road fudge, just like walking around the block. Uh-huh. Happy Christmas Eve!

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