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Forty-Plus ~ The Truth Serum Decade


A Quiet Day ~ 2006-11-29

Today has been a day filled with go and stop. I am trying to recoup from all the barn work of Monday and trotting here and there during our herding practice of Tuesday. Physically, I'm pooped. I have done a chore, rested (read my book), done another chore, rested (read more), putzed around a little bit more and read a lot more. Well, you see the pattern. For the past few hours I've been more productive because I finished my book. Priorities and proper pacing.

Hubby and I did end up going to dinner last night so the mess still remains in my office. I wiped everything down, organized and pushed it aside. It could be there for the long haul if history is to be trusted.

I am going to go down into the basement to find all my tubs of holiday stuff. I've asked all three men a number of times to do it for me. I refused to scream to get Christmas decorations brought up to the living room. That wouldn't be what the season is all about.

A little black cloud has been hanging over my head today. I am not positive why but I think it's the belief that Youngest Son is holding his report card, not wanting us to see his grades. He bugs me because he is such an intelligent person, he really understands things and does so quickly but he is lazy and stubborn. His stubborness will be no match for mine if his grades are not what they should be. Goodbye social life, goodbye cell phone, goodbye bedroom computer and video systems. He may even have to ask for a glass of soda or to take a poop, depending how disappointed I am.

He believes he is going to work with Hubby for the rest of his life and while he thinks he wants to "do the college experience," he doesn't think he needs it with Hubby paving the way for him. I think that's incredibly short-sighted even if Hubby says he'd rather not spend money on college for YS if he's just going to waste it. My point is once you have that little piece of paper documenting your degree no one can take it from you. That's worth the $80,000 or $100,000 in my book.

He's a junior - these grades carry a lot of weight. Gulp. My little black cloud is getting a little darker and bigger. We shall see, he says he's bringing home his report card tomorrow.

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