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Forty-Plus ~ The Truth Serum Decade


Trying to NOT sing out loud, although it would serve them right! ~ 2006-11-28

I've taken up using my iPod with the earphones in the house. Why? Two teenaged sons and Wii sports. I CAN'T STAND THE SOUND OF MACHO COMPETITION FOR ANOTHER SECOND.

Loch and I had herding practice today. We did very well, especially for the first 30 minutes while our trainer was busy with someone else up at the house. We had to get the herd from the back field with all kinds of obstacles and bring them out to the big field with even more obstacles and pressures. I love the feel of "real" farm work.

When our trainer came down we did alright but there are some days I think she'd rather be picking her nose than guiding us. Guess we all have days like that, just not all of us get paid $40 an hour to do it. Umph. And Friday is her birthday so I brought her a present on top of it all. Double umph.

Well, Annie, yes the junk remains in the middle of my office. In Hubby's defense he did work from 7:00 AM to 9:30 PM yesterday. He didn't talk about moving it once he got home last night (we watched TiVo'd Heroes ... only one more show until the new year!!!). Being the intelligent woman I am, I kept my mouth shut. I hope Loch doesn't raise his leg on something, I'm watching him like a hawk. He doesn't mark in the house but with this stuff right in the middle of where he hangs out, something bad could happen.

Hubby did mention trying to leave work at a decent time and taking us down to our favorite watering hole for some dinner and beverages. I will forgive him for not moving the stuff tonight if he comes through with that. If not, all bets are off!

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