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Forty-Plus ~ The Truth Serum Decade


Heartburn Is Better Than Heartbreak ~ 2006-09-27

No scenes were created at swimming today. Society Girl didn't show up until I was almost finished with my laps. I still had to share the sauna but it was with a newbie who didn't stay but two minutes saying, "phew, it's hot in here." Ya think? It's a sauna! :D

I have to say ... swimming laps is B-O-R-I-N-G. Oh my word, there's no noise (except the voices in my head and they run out of stuff to chat about after twenty minutes). The lifeguards are not allowed to play music for themselves or us. They must be even more bored sitting there hour after hour.

Anyway, I did my 45 minutes. Today I swam 1,700 yards which is two hundred yards than yesterday's 1500. Fewer rest times. I could feel my soreness from the last two days and felt a little tired so hopefully as the days go by I will be adding more yardage to take off the poundage.

Fooled around on my MySpace site. I am still getting a "Invalid friend ID. This user has cancelled, yada, yada, yada" message and having to click on Home a couple of times to get where I need to go. I don't know why this is happening but it makes me say bad words.

I found a template that I like for the moment. Under the Yvonne's Interests there is some kind of code that only allows the text to be seen when it's scrolled over. I no-likey. I sent out a message to the template's creator and hopefully she will help me out.

It would seem Youngest Son and SoccerGirl are on some sort of significant break. This is good in theory. What's bad is how sad my boy is. All a part of growing up, I know, but my heart doesn't have to like it. Not one bit.

I've got some sensational heartburn today. Weird, I haven't eaten anything that could cause it.

I am going to cut my hair using the clippers for the first time. I always use the width of my fingers to cut along (slicing my finger skin at times which also makes me say bad words). I am going to start with a longer guide and work down. Hey, it's just hair ... it will eventually grow back, right? We do have a fancy wedding coming up on October 7, so hopefully if damage is done today it will be all better by then.

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