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by Yvonne

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Forty-Plus ~ The Truth Serum Decade


MySpace & SaunaSpace ~ 2006-09-26

Well, I did it. I joined the MySpace generation! However, there seems to be quite a bit of down time/lock up going on. My friend, Tracy, told me it happens a lot. I have little patience for that. Also I am having a hard time finding a template that I like. Ummm. At least that will keep me busy for awhile!

If you want to peek, you can here. (Sometimes you have to try a couple of times for it to come up correctly.) Let me know if you want to be my friend. :D

I did my swimming torture today. Forty-five minutes, 1500 yards. Not great but I have to balance my competitive nature against my body's present abilities and strengths.

Today I didn't shock anyone with my nudie habits - I wore my bathing suit in under my shorts and afterwards changed in one of the I am ashamed of my body cubicles. Howevah, all did not go smoothly.

After my swim I gathered my towel and water bottle then headed for the sauna. I was very happy when I opened the door and saw no one in there. I spread my huge towel across the top bench and stretched my body right out just as someone opened the door. Of course I bounced right up because I don't want to be a bench hog (even though the other was empty). This woman stopped suddenly, holding the door wide open and said, "Don't tell me you have chlorine on your body!" "Well yes," I answered. I had dried off but hadn't showered yet. The hag with a towel wrapped around her middle and one around her pinhead SLAMMED! the door. I hopped right off that bench, opened the door and said, "I will shower so we can share the sauna space." She walked right by me without a word.

Gold star for Yvonne - I did not stick my foot out as she scuffed on by.

I quickly showered but did not use soap. I shower at home. There was still plenty of chlorine on my skin and in my bathing suit but I tried hard enough.

I walked into the sauna and she actually looked startled I came back. She had to move out of the middle as I climbed by her. I placed my towel out so none of my body was touching the wood and placed my water bottle on it next to my leg. I criss-crossed my legs and relaxed my body into a meditation-like pose. She said, "People like you cause damage to the wood in here." Turning my head to look straight at her I said, "Excuse me?" "The chlorine ruins the wood and I don't want to smell you." "I realize chemicals are bad for the wood," I said, "that is just one of the reasons my towel was covering the entire bench." I didn't address the whole smell issue. But then ... she snorted. Snorted! I was ready to rumble, but instead I turned my head forward, shut my eyes and dismissed her. She did not dismiss me though, she kept turning her head enough to look at me (I could hear her turning) and she continued to make disgusted snorts and sighs for the entire ten minutes I was in there.

When I was finished I got up and walked out. I shut the door quietly and stood in front of it reading the guidelines in front of the window where she could see me. I knew she was right about the shower business but I also knew there was a bathing suit clause.

I gathered my clothes, trotted over to the cubicle and quickly got dressed. I opened the door just in time to catch her walking out of the sauna. I said, "I hope you were no more offended by my smell than I was by you not following the bathing suit rule." Her mouth dropped open. Snot. Walking toward the door I told her to have a nice day and "see ya tomorrow!"

This YMCA used to be a high-end health club. The clientele was used to acting a certain way, I know because I taught years of springboard diving to their spawn. These nasty ways were part of the reason why the center had to be sold to the Y, no one wanted to put up with the crap and the business went under. It would seem I found one of the left over society ladies. And she was younger than I am ... who did she was thinking she was messing with ... I'm Forty-Plus for Pete's sake.

Guess she knows now that when it comes to the Bully vs. Bitch scenario the old bitch always gets the last word ... even if I have to pretend I'm hard of hearing!

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Something Old, Something New - 2009-08-10
Boom, Boom, Boom - 2009-06-20
Pets, Pests and Peeps - 2009-06-17
What Has Been Happening With You? - 2009-06-15
What - 2009-06-15