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Forty-Plus ~ The Truth Serum Decade


As Hard As We Tried - No Moose Were Seen ~ 2006-09-25

We're back. And my house is now in semi-order after a weekend filled with sons who lived off pizza, hamburgers, chips & dip, soda and a mystery substance I found on my counter for which I want no explanation.

I enjoyed our weekend in New Hampshire very much. The weather was pretty crappy but we were able to ride on Friday night and Sunday morning. We took the truck for a ride through the White Mountains on Saturday. The rain wasn't too bad so we even walked The Flume. Photo opportunities were minimal but here are a few.

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The Group. Can you see my burgundy hair? Thankfully it is beginning to fade.

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It was overcast and rainy but at times we could see the mountains.

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A little photoshop magic and taadaa, funky mountains!

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One of the billion waterfalls in the mountains.

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Hubby on the new bike.

I swam at the Y today. I did okay swimming for 45 minutes although I cannot imagine what I will feel like tonight. I spent 10 minutes in the sauna which was great for my neck muscles. A lady came in while I was soaking up the heat and messed with my zen by talking non-stop. I mentally forgave her when she told me she has two year old twins - I figured speaking with adult during the day is VERY important and I was glad to be of service!

Oh! I almost forgot - I pulled a faux pas in the Y locker room. Judging by the looks I got ... I guess I'm not supposed to get all nekkid in the locker area. I didn't know that. I've coached springboard diving and been around swim teams all my life and we've always cruised around dressed, semi-dressed, speedo-clad and good old fashion nekkid. There weren't any kiddos in there (otherwise I would have never gotten nude - I'm not paying for their psycho-therapy!), just women from their 20s to 70s. I even kept my butt to the lockers ... that's why I noticed everyone hiding in the little changing rooms and even waiting in line to do it.

I felt like saying, "Girls! We all have the same stuff, just at different levels of gravity victimhood."

But I didn't and tomorrow I guess I'll visit one of those little changing rooms. People are so boring sometimes! :D

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What - 2009-06-15