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Forty-Plus ~ The Truth Serum Decade


Thursday Love ~ 2006-09-21

I joined the YMCA! It looks like the lap swim from 11-1 will work best for me. I was there at 12:15 and there was only one person in the pool. That's just the way I like it. I checked out the sauna also ... hot, nice.

I am off to sheep herding this morning, then picking up Oldest Son at college and bringing him home for his braces appointment. He has decided to not go back to school tonight, miss his one class tomorrow and stay here for the weekend with his younger brother. Yay! Youngest Son will still get paid for taking care of all the animals and I will leave gas and movie/food money for the two of them.

I feel much better having someone here for YS, he's having a hard time with his love life right now. SoccerGirl has decided she needs some room, (another yay in my head). Only she's still stringing YS along but going around "hugging any random guy for no good reason." Oh there's a reason behind it, my son, it's called trying to make you jealous. The problem is he is not getting jealous, he's getting his feelings hurt. Badly. And when I suggested he hug a few random chickies himself, holy cow, what a look I got! "I'M not like that, Mom." Okay-then.

So I am especially appreciative OS is coming home to spend the weekend with his brother. I explained the situation to him and he understands all too well. I hope they have a good brother-bonding weekend. I am also hoping OS can point out how YS has allowed SoccerGirl to isolate him from his friends and how important his guy friends are. Throughout OS and SweetGirl's relationship OS was always able to maintain his friendships. He was very firm about that, hopefully some of that wisdom will rub off on YS.

Love ain't easy, no matter the age of the participants!

I won't be able to use the pool until Monday, but I'm glad I joined yesterday. I may have lost nerve or changed my mind over the weekend. Now it's done and I have hope it will help lighten my pain load.

I have tons of packing and planning to do for this weekend away. I am very excited, I think it will be lovely to get away with Hubby. We've never gone away without the boys. Our choice of course but now that they are old enough, it will be nice to be able to concentrate on each other. Ha, ha, who am I kidding? He'll be concentrating on his Harley's beauty and I will be concentrating on the foliage beauty! That's love for us!

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