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Forty-Plus ~ The Truth Serum Decade


Cheer, Moan, Cheer, Moan, Cheer ~ 2006-09-20

I am really looking forward to our weekend away in the White Mountains of New Hampshire. We rented what the hotel calls a condominium with two bedrooms, a kitchen and living room. We will be rooming with two other couples and one or two other couples are going to meet us up there. I am hoping the weather will hold out for motorcycle riding and photograph taking. Especially the photograph taking, I am even bringing my good camera which I haven't used in months.

I wish someone had been videotaping Hubby face when he told me to be sure to bring warm clothes to wear on the Harley this weekend and I said, "Oh I'm all set. I'll be wearing my insulated overalls." (The ones I use for winter sheep herding with Loch). A lot of hardy laughter was experienced this past weekend but nothing brought me as close to tinkling my pants as the look of horror on his face at that moment. I loved it.

Tomorrow I have to pick up Oldest Son at college to bring him home for a 2:00 PM braces appointment and then bring him back up to college for the evening. Four hours of driving for a 15 minute appointment. Ridiculous. The office doesn't have Friday or Saturday appointments and he has classes Monday morning through Friday afternoon. For all the money I've spent on braces you'd think there'd be Saturday hours. Oh well, we are almost done with the braces experience, thank goodness.

Betty, our poor plucked-upon Zebra Finch, is doing quite well. She looks like a baby bird with all the downy, fluffy feathers bursting through her few remaining big girl feathers. She still calls to the others but she won't be moving back in with them, no matter how sad her song is.

My flare is still present. My pain level is probably the same as what drove me to the specialist a few years ago. The same specialist who put me on the Neurontin that almost destroyed my body. I ain't going back there, that's for sure.

I wish I could manage this by myself, but I cannot. I have to look for some new strategies. My hot tub has been out of commission for over two months (probably why I have spiraled this low) and I need Hubby to rub my neck/connective tissue for a couple minutes every other day but on both counts he's too busy or tired to deal. (No brownie points for him.)

Due to my disorders I cannot have deep tissue manipulation and no therapist wants to see me for ten minutes every other day, so massage is out. Drugs are definitely out. I can only take so many hot showers a day. Pain makes me exhausted but doesn't allow me to sleep very well. Vicious cycle. And worst of all, I haven't been able to fitness walk in more than a month. My back muscles spasm and I can hardly breathe, can you imagine if I was three miles into the woods and this happened? Scary.

I may check out the local YMCA. They have a heated pool and a sauna. The swimming would be good for me, if I could raise my arms from my shoulders (which I cannot do right now). The sauna might make that possible for me.

I am sure this flare has been coming on for months and maybe with the use of the hot tub I could have headed it off but unfortunately that has not been an option since early July. If I could safely swing my leg I'd kick Hubby in the butt or at least the shin. But he is busier now than he was all summer (with real work, not Harley play time). He leaves here at 7:00 AM and doesn't get home until late in the evening, last night it was 9:30ish. This is what happens when you play all summer and procrastinate on multiple projects. It's called paying the piper. Too bad I am paying too.

I've gained back eight of the fifty pounds I lost so I think the pool sounds like the option to take. I sometimes wonder if my metabolism runs backwards. I think this is called being a woman over a certain age! :D

The sun is beautiful today, I've done most of my chores already and, despite the pain I am experiencing, I am feeling much better about my life and emotional health. Things could be much, much worse. Yessiree.

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What - 2009-06-15