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Forty-Plus ~ The Truth Serum Decade


Friday Pit Stop ~ 2006-09-15

I had a late breakfast with my mother-in-law. This was the first time in five or six years we've sat down together and spoken one-on-one. Not because we don't like each other, we just allow our other responsibilities to take care of any spare time we used to spend together.

It was nice. She talked the entire time! She always tried to impart nuggets of wisdom and today's was: "The key to being a good friend is to listen." Then we both starting laughing, I hadn't been able to get a word in edgewise. That's okay, that way I didn't stick my foot in my mouth as I've been known to do.

After we parted ways I went to the bank and then paid all my bills. It's a lovely feeling to be up to date and/or paid in full.

Reliving the moment ... ahhhhh.

Then I went clothes shopping again. No more happy bubble. The more I thought about my newly purchased strappy shirt the more I thought it was too casual (and "utterly" in your face). Okay for an evening out with the Harley gang but not okay for all those possible wedding party photographs with the Harley crowd. That's not how I want people to remember me. I found another gauzy-folksy-sort of blouse that I will be more comfortable wearing. I have to put the whole outfit together to make sure things make sense.

Hubby picked up Oldest Son from college today. Hurray for the mama! OS wanted a stress-free weekend after what happened last weekend. And he brought home a humongous bag of laundry. Home is where the washer and dryer are.

We are taking both sons out to dinner before everyone separates to do their own thing tonight. Youngest Son has been sick the last two days and missed school. He suffers from a pre-migrane syndrome which causes all kinds of physical commotion without actually getting to the awful headache stage. I think he will probably lay low for the evening. OS, of course, has plans.

Zebra Finch Betty is still plugging away. It's a little sad because she calls out to the other finches and they answer her. I have to rearrange my office so the two cages can be placed next to each other.

The pet/habitat count in my office ...

One 55 gallon tank for Hiss, the biggest uromastyx lizard,
Two 30 gallon tanks for Al (Adopted Lizard) and Pari, the other two uromastyx lizards,
Two good sized bird cages for the other three finches: Wilma, Fred and Barney, and another for the dove, simply named Dovey,
One small bird cage for Betty,
One ten gallon tank for the fish who remain unnamed, and
One ten gallon tank for the dwarf Russian hamster, Moose.

Not to mention the throw rugs I have for the three dogs. Is it any wonder I can never keep dust and dirt off my desk top?

I wouldn't have it any other way ... except maybe to add a few more beasties!

Last 5 Updates
Something Old, Something New - 2009-08-10
Boom, Boom, Boom - 2009-06-20
Pets, Pests and Peeps - 2009-06-17
What Has Been Happening With You? - 2009-06-15
What - 2009-06-15