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Betty & Boobs ~ 2006-09-14

Betty made it through the night. Poor little birdie. The other Finches have plucked all the feathers from her neck and lower head regions. I don't know if she is going to make it through this but twenty four hours later she is eating, chirping and bouncing around her cage. The other three are exceptionally quiet in their cage - I guess I've taken away their favorite toy. Rotten little birdies.

Thanks for all the good vibes sent Betty's way yesterday.

I shopped for clothes today. Have I mentioned I do NOT enjoy clothes shopping? Top that with needing a new bra and I about threw myself off the top balcony at the mall. We have a wedding this Saturday. It is an extremely casual wedding based around motorcycle riding HOWEVER one of the girls we are attending with has made it known it is "completely tacky" to wear certain things. Now guess who had planned to wear those certain things ... yep, me.

No harm, no foul. I needed a new pair of dress pants anyway. I bought a pair of black rayon/nylon pants which are very cute. I found a black strappy crochet(ed?) blouse with a off white lining. Warning: Possible TMI for any male readers! ... It's not the best cut for someone who has uneven boobs. That is why I needed a new bra, which is also complicated by the lopsided boobie business. However, I found a very special bra and ho-ly cow (and I do mean cow) no one will doubt the size of my utters. They look relatively even with the addition of this bra. Either that or I have been smothered in the cleavage and am now typing from a coma.

I still need to find a sweater to fit over the whole get-up in case it's chilly or I lose my nerve, whichever comes first.

Now, my feet are killing me because I had to wear the heels I plan to wear with the new dress pants. Don't listen to the doubters - it's not easy being a woman.

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