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Forty-Plus ~ The Truth Serum Decade


Lessons ~ 2006-09-12

Today is better. I had a decent night's sleep and that always helps. From all the stress my bones and joints are aching. Pain disorders are such a pleasure. Thankfully it is nothing that will kill me. After what felt like two weeks of wicked PMS, (this is new to me during the last eight months - the beginning of the change? C'mon menopause.), I finally got my period this morning. Even with my aches and pains, it's amazing to me how I level out emotionally when it finally strikes. I am thankful for the sanity that is again mine to have.

I know I've written it a bazillion times but I cannot thank my friends here enough. Between the comments and the private emails you have lifted me up, in some cases cracked me upside the head (in a loving way of course), and told me it's not a sin to be human. I never bounce back as well as when I hit rock bottom. And that episode hopefully was my rock bottom for 2006.


There was a BYOB party up at Oldest Son's college. (I like those the best because as of right now he has no one to buy for him.) I know he's attended parties that supply booze and had a few beers. I would prefer him to not drink and tell him so knowing he has a good head on his shoulders, however I am not sticking my head in the sand.

Back to the other night. A bunch of kids from his graduating class came to his college, they did a dinner thing and then showed up at the BYOB party at 10:30. Only one boy had booze, a large bottle of rum. He did not share and he drank the ENTIRE thing before 11:30. The rest of the kids didn't like the condition he was in and they started back to the dorms. The party was within 20 minutes walking distance. At first he was stumbling along, then they were physically directing him then supporting him, then he was passing out and coming to. They were about five minutes from the dorms and he began to puke, apparently violently. OS said he kept saying we have to get help and people were starting to agree with him, but when his friend hit this stage he ran to find a police officer (I think they are campus police, but still quality guardians in my mind). They came running and the female officer told OS his friend needed an ambulance immediately. It was called, the kids were all spoken to (I think to make sure none of them had been drinking or were out of control) and sent either back to their dorms or back to their own colleges. The rescue workers told the kids to not go to the hospital, the friend would have to stay at least until 6:00 AM and only would be released to a parent.

Scared those kids shitless to say the least.

OS kept his head pretty well, even when he called his friend's mom to let her know what had happened and where he was. The hospital had just called her but I am glad he thought to do that. I've always told him I want to know anything, any time, right away so I can get to him or his brother as quickly as I can. Thankfully he turned that into respect for his friend's mom. He only got upset, really upset, once I picked up his call and said, "Honey, what's wrong?" It was the middle of the night, I didn't think he was calling just to chat.

I hope he remembers every moment of that night as a way to gauge his future alcohol consumption.

On a personal note: and two glasses of wine from the other night caused so much chaos in my personal life, I will recall that for some time to come and it's nothing compared to what this kid just went through.

OS's friend's mom is debating whether or not to allow him to live at college. It's close enough to commute and she feels he is out of control. When I asked OS if he was truly out of control or this was a one-time mistake, OS said, "Oh yeah, and he has been out of it for a long, long time." Apparently the parents knew this but were hoping the college experience would change it. Although I don't understand that thought pattern, I still feel sympathy for their situation and hope they can get the help and guidance they need.

On a much lighter note. I am taking care of my friend's cats for the week. They are staying at their own home because they are not dog-broke cats and I don't have cat-broke dogs. Anyway, I travel to their home every morning after dropping Youngest Son at school. My friend had shared they are not real friendly cats but see what happens when the mama and the papa leave the kitties home alone. Love, love, love. Purr, rub, purr. It only lasts a couple of minutes then they dismiss me. :D

I don't take it personally, they're cats. Besides I bring home lots of outstanding smells for my dogs' sniffing frenzy and they love me for more than five minutes. The best of both worlds if you ask me.

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