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Forty-Plus ~ The Truth Serum Decade


Powerful Little Package ~ 2006-08-31

I have been a cleaning freak lately. I hope I get over this soon, my lungs are having a hard time with the chemicals. But my house looks good.

You know what I love? Every afternoon at 4:00 I hear this scrapy-wheely thing on the pavement in front of my house. Every day I skedaddle to the front window to watch.

A few months ago an elderly woman, I am guessing the mom judging by the resemblance between she and the wife, moved in down my road. I think she must have had some kind of physical set back and has come to live with them to recover.

When this little lady arrived it took both the husband and the wife to escort her into and out of the house. I am a nosey neighbor and notice these things, plus I love elderly people.

Through the months the little lady has begun to exercise. At first she would just make it out the front door and off the front step using her walker. She would rest in the chair they set out for her and then when ready she would head back inside. (Told you I am nosey).

Every day she would come out and one day she did the walkway. When she could do the walkway and back into the house without resting in the chair she started walking the driveway. Again, when she didn't need to rest she started tackling the road. Just a few feet more each day.

It is ABSOLUTELY not my place to feel any pride at her accomplishments but I gotta tell you ... she can make it all the way down around the curve by my house, to the next connector road and back to the house! She is so sweet out there I have every thing I can do to not run out there and squeeze her in a humongous I'm so proud of you hug. I would probably scare her to the point of heart attack and that would be bad, so instead I sprint to the front window with the three dogs and we watch as she scrapes by us one way and then back home. The dogs never bark at her even if they reach the front window before I do. We just quietly watch the little lady with King Kong sized determination. And smile, all four of us.

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Something Old, Something New - 2009-08-10
Boom, Boom, Boom - 2009-06-20
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What Has Been Happening With You? - 2009-06-15
What - 2009-06-15