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Forty-Plus ~ The Truth Serum Decade


Saturday Stop By ~ 2006-09-02

Oldest Son came home yesterday! I know, he's only been at college since last Friday, but I still ran out to Hubby's truck when they pulled in the driveway. He had planned to stop home and then leave for a weekend in New Hampshire with friends. The weather changed those plans and now he's going to hang out with us all weekend! Okay, so not so much hang out but allow us to take him to dinner last night, the movies tonight and breakfast tomorrow. The rest of the time will be spent visiting his girlfriend, SweetGirl, who also happened to come home for the weekend.

Mild explosions happened when OS walked into his room only to realize Youngest Son had taken his wall bookcase and his strip light. I think YS thought OS was never coming home again as he kept asking if he could move his bed into OS's "old bedroom" and make his bedroom into a personal televison room with a futon. After the discussion about the bookcase and strip light I think YS understand much better that OS will be here more than not for at least another five years.

It was good having boy-grumblies in the house again for about two minutes. I was able to distract everyone by suggesting going out to dinner, which we did, just the four of us (no girlfriends!) and had a great time before splitting up for the evening.

Hubby and I met up with a bunch of friends and continued the fun times. Hubby actually danced one song with me! You know he was NOT the designated driver. Everyone had a fun and safe time, so everything's good.

I took the advice some of you put out there about meeting the little old lady. She will now be known as The Mean Old Lady. She was not thrilled to make my acquaintance. Not in the least. Her host family is not very personable either but holy cow, she growled at me! I had to laugh. I didn't startle her or anything, I made it like I was walking along the road also and just wanted to compliment her on her progress. Guess she didn't appreciate my notice. Wow. There are so many nice old people and she was not one of them. It's okay. Hopefully it's just a cover and later my compliment made her smile. Uh-huh. Oh well, I'm still pleased for her.

That's all I can type today because yesterday I was combing the dogs when Minnie wiggled the comb slipped and one of the metal teeth went right under my nail. It hurts. Bad. I think the only way to heal is to sit on the couch with a cup of tea and my book all day or until the wind, rain and clouds go away! Yep, yep, that's the ticket.

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Something Old, Something New - 2009-08-10
Boom, Boom, Boom - 2009-06-20
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What Has Been Happening With You? - 2009-06-15
What - 2009-06-15