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by Yvonne

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Forty-Plus ~ The Truth Serum Decade


Smart Like Only A Woman Can Be ~ 2006-08-23

Not feeling so gushy-ushy about Oldest Son at the moment. After spending nearly $800.00 this morning getting the kid ready for college (including buying a new digital camera and card) he just told me via cell phone that no, he couldn't be home tonight to start cleaning his room nor could he be counted on to put out the two months' worth of cardboard covering a corner in the basement because "geez Mom, I was planning to spend time downtown with all my friends who are leaving tomorrow." (Quite a lengthy sentence there, huh?)

Well, la-te-da. Guess who will be up at 6:30 tomorrow morning breaking down, stacking and putting out cardboard and garbage cans. Getting such an early start to the day will definitely allow him plenty of time to purge that bedroom of his!

Mamas are much more clever than 18 year old boys.

Not that it's causing any stress to me at all but I am kinda in the dog house with Hubby. Yesterday afternoon I allowed Youngest Son to purchase the CUTEST Drawf Siberian Hamster with money he's earned during the summer. This little doodle is just adorable. Anyway, we hustled him and his habitat up into YS's room.

I have to say there are months that go by when Hubby doesn't step one foot into either boys' room. Months, like three at a time.

After making sure "Moose" was comfortable in his new digs YS went to SoccerGirl's game. Hubby came home and decided to go running. He walked into the bathroom looking for the nail clippers. From my office I heard, "Dammit, YS bugs the crap out of me taking the nail clippers and never putting them back!"

I jumped up and said, "Oh I have mine down here!" (I do hide mine so YS won't steal mine too). However, I was too late.

"What the hell? Who brought this rat into my house? Yvonne! There's a rodent in YS's room!" By that time I was standing in the doorway. "Oh Hubby, look how cute he is. He's a dwarf, he won't get any bigger. Look how sweet he is with the piece of corn in his cheek." Yeah, I was blabbering.

"Yvonne, what were you thinking ..." *light bulb turning on* "...oh, I know what you were thinking. You were thinking YS would get bored and the tailess rat would end up in your office like the rest of the animals in this house."

Caught. Like a deer in the headlights. Blink, blink.

"But honey, look how cute he is!"

Hubby walked past me mumbling something beginning with "don't honey me ..." but I chose not to hear the rest. However, when he got home from running he told me he set a new course record. I take responsibility for that, if he wasn't bent out of shape with me he wouldn't have been so spirited in his workout. Of course, I kept this bit of information to myself.

Wives are much more clever than 42 year old husbands, too.

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Something Old, Something New - 2009-08-10
Boom, Boom, Boom - 2009-06-20
Pets, Pests and Peeps - 2009-06-17
What Has Been Happening With You? - 2009-06-15
What - 2009-06-15