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Forty-Plus ~ The Truth Serum Decade


Enter The Vipers' Pit ~ 2006-08-17

We did attend the fund raiser last night. Some of the people in charge are the same who caused me much anxiety a few years ago, the neighborhood people. I have since claimed the upper hand by realizing I am much better than the drama they stir. Even if they talk behind my back they do NOT have the nerve to let me hear of it. When I began to confront them, to their faces, their little spines dissolved to mush. Now they treat me with cautious respect.

Poor Tracy doesn't have that advantage. She used to be on the outskirts of this group, they had no real interest in her so she escaped their nastiness. However she has been thrust into the spotlight because she volunteered as a flag football coach and dates D who is the head youth football coach. Fresh meat for the gossip mongers.

She didn't feel good about having to attend this affair and asked for us to be there for her. We didn't mind, we know these people and there were going to be lots of other friends there. We arrived a little early and were able to watch as Tracy and D arrived. Sure enough these nasty creatures turned on their brand of charm as she entered the room. Most avoided her (with great enthusiasm) and one said hello to D, looked Tracy in the face as Tracy said hello to her and turned her head away. This upset Tracy to no end.

I reassured her she wasn't special, they do this to any person who is not on the flavor of the month list. I asked her if she respected them for any reason: are they kind, are they compassionate, are they decent people or parents, do they go out of their way to make people feel comfortable? No. I asked her why she should waste one ounce of energy worrying or being hurt by any action on their part. She knew I was right, but it still stung (and I know, I dealt with it for years).

After we came back inside from Tracy having her cigarette, I was leading the way. We walked directly up to the woman who had out and out ignored Tracy. I said, "Hi Jody, how are you?" She said hello and gave me a hug. Yeah, love you too, gag. I turned slightly to show Tracy behind me and said, "Jody, do you know my friend Tracy? Tracy this is Jody, Jody this is Tracy." You should have seen both their faces! Jody stuttered something about having gone to school with Tracy and I 'exclaimed,' "Oh! So you've known each other for years! I thought you didn't say hello to Tracy because you didn't know her." Jody didn't know what to say except, "No, no, no. Um, hi Tracy." We walked over to our group who were rolling and telling me I have brass balls.

Honestly, where do people get off?

The fund raiser was a great success. There was also an auction of signed sports memorabelia. People are willing to pay a lot of money for that stuff! I never knew.

We didn't get home until after 11:00 PM. After finishing my night time chores and reading for a little while it was after midnight when I finally shut off my light. So much for getting to bed early. I think I will be forced to nap in the sunshine this afternoon. Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting

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