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Forty-Plus ~ The Truth Serum Decade


Forget Monday ~ 2006-08-15

Because I love you all so much I did not submit an entry yesterday. Whoa, What.A.Mood. It was my usual Monday recover from the weekend's nonstop activities day, my 16 year old and his girlfriend nagged at me all day, I had sinus headache that could have knocked an elephant on her tushy with visual disturbances and dizziness, I dropped everything that I picked up, slipped down a couple steps each time I traveled down a flight of stairs, stumbled over invisible obstacles and stubbed toes around corners AND enjoyed a batch of turbo PMS. And yet, all members of my family still draw breath. I am a saint.

While I am still feeling a bit off, my period arrived and that's always a relief (hormonally). YS's girlfriend, SoccerGirl, spent the night here and she's got hers too. YS is walking a lot lighter and speaking much softer than he usually does. Smart boy.

Speaking of SG, YS has been doing a ton of yard work at her parents' house. He wants to build a new hutch/living area for the rabbit they bought together in the spring. The bunny was supposed to be a drawf, but alas, she is medium-sized and the cage we bought her is much too small. She was also supposed to be an indoor pet but they've been leaving her outside lately. I didn't like it but listening to YS complain about the conditions for quite a while I told him I wanted to see it for myself. We went over yesterday early afternoon. Boy was I pissed.

We walked into the back yard and I spotted Obie sitting in this little tiny cage with the sun pounding down on her. Very little water, no food and no shelter. Let me repeat - I was PISSED. I bit a piece of YS's head off and he defended himself by saying when he goes over he always makes sure Obie's taken care of and when he calls SG in the AM he reminds her to water and feed the bunny. What? First, YS & SG are at my house most of the time and second, there are four very capable people in that house and there's a question of someone remembering to care for the bunny's daily needs? Never mind the fact there is no hide in the cage to protect her from the sun and other elements. AND the cage sits right on the ground so she is sitting in her poopies.

As I walked over to the cage Obie jumped up on the side like she wanted me to pick her up. YS had previously told me Obie likes to be petted. I took that as she likes to be picked up and cuddled. That would be a giant No. My left arm has some pretty serious bunny nail rips in it now. Poor little thing, they must never pick her up to comfort her. She was okay once she realized I wasn't going to drop or hurt her. SG's mom came out but she didn't want to talk about the bunny's poor living conditions which I was pointing out without hesitation. She was having a bad day (join the club) and wanted me to hear her woes. She did freak out a little when she saw the blood dripping down my arm off my wrist. I told her it was nothing, because it was nothing. She got all nervous and stuttering like I was going to go to the hospital and staight to the lawyer to sue them for damages. I told her to calm down, when I handle an animal I accept all responsibility for the animal's safety and my own. Chill out.

Anyway, YS and I set Obie up in the shade, gave her some fresh water and greens. I didn't like this situation but YS is trying to repair the rabbit hutch from the neighbors' to create a better living situation for little Obie. We left and I took the kids rabbit supply shopping. I bought a new water bottle, automatic feeding dish, toys (which never occurred to them), fresh Timothy hay and a couple special vitamin-rich treats. I also made a temporary box for her to sleep in once we got home. All in all, I spent nearly $75 on a pet that's not even mine! But what else could I do?

We brought all the goodies over to SG's house this morning and set the bunny cage in their shed right before the rain started. People need to think nineteen times before they acquire a living creature. And then wait another six months before they act on it.

Seems like I've done nothing but shout from a soap box lately. I'm sorry, I don't like to be like that.

Let me think ... is there anything fun to share?

Hubby's looking for a Harley Fat Boy for me. I don't know if I will even be able to ride (a little arthritis in my thumb joints which are needed for the handle controls). I won't even be taking the safety class until next spring, but he's looking around already.

I think my leg burn is getting better. I spent Sunday at the beach in the salt water and for the first time in two weeks it's a bit itchy like it's healing. I am going to have quite a scar there, I wonder what type of tattoo I can work into the area! :D

I think that's all I've got. At least today is just a quietly down day instead of an ugly, rotten, stupid, gross, piece of trash day like yesterday! That's a plus.

I also think it's a take a nap with my favorite three pooches day.

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Something Old, Something New - 2009-08-10
Boom, Boom, Boom - 2009-06-20
Pets, Pests and Peeps - 2009-06-17
What Has Been Happening With You? - 2009-06-15
What - 2009-06-15