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Forty-Plus ~ The Truth Serum Decade


Picnic, Panic and A Puppy ~ 2006-08-13

Morgan was correct when she labeled the handsome pupster from yesterday as a young Mastiff. The breed is known for its gentle nature. From the giant breeds I've always like Mastiffs and, of course, Irish Wolf Hounds. I will have a wolf hound within a few years, not to replace my Border Collies though, just adding to the pack. Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting

The picnic was a lot of fun, very relaxed with a nice campfire and loads of good people. My friend, Tracy, was there and she brought her two boys. Her oldest is ten and deathly afraid of dogs. He had a really bad experience at his paternal grandmother's house (which should have been managed by adults - unfortunately Tracy wasn't there). He has only just begun to realize not every dog is like that one. He met my dogs a few weeks ago and I introduced them one at a time, putting one away before bringing out the next. They finally all settled down, showed their slothful ways by snoozing next to the boys as they watched Cartoon Network and Yankees baseball much trust was gained. That was a huge step.

Anyway, when Tracy and D pulled up with the kids, the host's new Weimaraner puppy galloped out to greet everyone. She never even came near Jimmy but spotting her was enough to set him into full fear mode. Tracy got a little flustered because J totally lost it, starting crying and wouldn't leave the side of the car. I told her, being the mature mama I am, let him get himself together and I will walk him in when he is ready. I told him I would not leave his side and I would block the puppy if she came anywhere near him. He nodded his head while the tears were spilling down his face. How can little kids' eyes break my heart so easily?

I carried in my fruit salad and cooler that Tracy and D had transported in their trunk for us since we rode the bike. Checked out the situation with the kids and puppy from Jimmy's point of view and went back out to the car. Tracy said she tried to get him to come in but he said, "only with Yvonne."

Tracy walked ahead of us and we watched from outside the fence for a few minutes. I talked to him about what was happening and how the puppy was reacting to situations. They kids were playing soccer and that little puppy was so good, just bounding around with her floppy ears, not biting at the kids legs or jumping on them. It was enough to convince J to come inside of the gate. We stood there for a while until the puppy spotted us, bounding toward us in all her puppy goodness. J tried to bolt, but I held his arm and kneeled down in front of him so the puppy would come to me while staying straight on to J. He was not happy, his little knees were bumping my back. But the puppy was great, she said hello to me and took off after the soccer ball.

I told J no dogs were allowed up on the deck and asked him if he wanted something to eat. He agreed and we went up together. Tracy was pleased. Then J wouldn't let him mom fix his plate, get his drink, wrap a paper towel around his can of soda, show him with the bathroom was, or anything ... "Yvonne can do it."

How much do I miss my kids from when they were little? This growing up thing is bittersweet, you know?

We ended up spending hours sitting around the campfire. J built up enough courage to walk across the yard to get to the bathroom (without running - I told him that running was inviting the puppy to run with him, you should have seen the slow steps he took to the house!). The puppy even slept under J's chair for a little while and he left his legs hanging over the chair near her. Later, when the puppy was exhausted, snoozing with her Barney stuffed animal, J went and played games with the kids.

Tracy talked about the situation, but I reassured her all kids (and people) react to situations differently and some just need a little reassurance and time to get their bearings. It's easy to be patient when you're becoming a favorite auntie!

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We're taking everyone to the beach. I am hoping to get shots of her other boy who is just as cute. I bought special cookies and I am bringing frosting to make disgustingly sweet cookie sandwiches for them! I think I am practicing for grandma-hood!

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Something Old, Something New - 2009-08-10
Boom, Boom, Boom - 2009-06-20
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What Has Been Happening With You? - 2009-06-15
What - 2009-06-15