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Forty-Plus ~ The Truth Serum Decade


The Bunny Now Known As Peter ~ 2006-08-12

I hope the bunny formerly known as Little Bunny Foo Foo is happy with his new home and his new name given to him, Peter. I was kind of partial to LBFF, but that's okay. I hope they say his name with an accent, like Pe-TAH.

The woman was a little concerned about his eyes and the degree they were bulging. I know very little about bunnies but they didn't seem to be bug-eyed or anything. I told her if she wasn't perfectly happy with him to call me and I would come get him. I can always contact the nice people at bunny rescue again.

Thanks for the nice things said about my efforts, but it's only what most anyone would do. Especially after you looked into his little eyes.

This morning I spent a couple hours walking around the Art Festival. There were many talented artists showing their goods. I was particularly impressed with one artist who did almost serious but still whimsical animal paintings and one photographer who was just phenomenal. Over the top, great eye.

I saw two things I wanted ...

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Unfortunately they don't make 'em in teen/grown man size!


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Is he not TOO handsome! And huge.

Right after I put away my camera a little girl was petting him and he was so gentle. Sweet boy.

We have an evening picnic to attend. I made a gigantic fruit salad that I have been lusting over all day. We need to get there so I can have some!

P.S. My husband spends more time shopping for clothes, planning his outfits, changing his outfits and standing in front of a mirror than five 15 year old girls. If I don't strangle him before I die I have earned a primo spot in heaven. But that's a big if.

Last 5 Updates
Something Old, Something New - 2009-08-10
Boom, Boom, Boom - 2009-06-20
Pets, Pests and Peeps - 2009-06-17
What Has Been Happening With You? - 2009-06-15
What - 2009-06-15