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Forty-Plus ~ The Truth Serum Decade


Little Bunny Foo Foo ~ 2006-08-11

This morning I was suppose to meet the bunny rescue lady however there was a great development yesterday. One of my friend's hairstylist wants the little snowball! This is a much better solution because rescue really didn't have any available foster families and there are just too many bunnies in rescue already. I believe this will be his forever home, they have kept rabbits for a long time and wanted a pal for the one they already have. I am very happy with this situation.

Youngest Son and I went to the neighbors' house this morning to retrieve the bunny. Yesterday when we went over to check on him he had no food and no water, as it has been almost every time I've been near enough to see. We gave him water and brought some greens for him. I wanted to take him right away but I didn't want to stress him more than necessary with the exposure to my dogs. I figured this morning would be soon enough.

I cleaned out my little kennel (my "in case of emergency" kennel I call it), rinsed and dried it out. I told YS we need to get the bunny now and he was all for it. The little bunny had no food or water this morning. He will never have to go without again.

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His starvation overrode his nerves and he ate carrots and greens right out of my hand. His eyes kept looking toward my face but his mouth kept chomping away. I was afraid to feed him too much, I don't know much about bunnies and didn't want to make him sick.

He is now sitting in the kennel on my office counter with a fresh bottle of water and some toys. He does not know what to think of the toys. I think he only had a metal food dish to chew on and play with. Bunnies need stimulation. The dogs were very interested in him for two minutes. Twist kept standing on his hind legs to see into the kennel but he wouldn't put his paws on the counter. Cute, but I skedaddled him on his way. Minnie only wanted to know what the furry creature was when he was in my arms. Loch ignored him. I couldn't trust them around him without me nearby but it's nice to know they don't think they have to pounce on him.

I am delivering him to his new family this afternoon at 1:00. I hope they love him and give him tons of cuddles, toys and all the food and water a bunny needs to be healthy.

I ran into my neighbor last night. I am still so angry about this (and all the other disposable pets they've rid themselves of) situation. I said, "I hope you guys never get another living creature. You are not an animal person and if the mother will not oversee the proper care, feeding and loving of the pet, it should not be brought into your home. Luckily I did not make an enemy, she agreed with me but felt it was out of her control because her husband brings things home all the time.

This morning she called to say they are putting their house up for sale (nothing to do with me, phew!) and she is not sure she and he will end up in the same house. Oh. Guess she has more to worry about than our little bunny foo foo.

No matter. The little guy is okay now and he will be even better in his forever home. I am really thankful to the rescue people who were willing to shift things around, change schedules and drive for hours in an attempted to help one little bunny. Remarkable people.

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