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Forty-Plus ~ The Truth Serum Decade


Tuesday is for Rabbit Rescuing ~ 2006-08-08

Looks like I won't have to take the wildman child on the highway today. He worked with his father all day. Peace and quiet for me eight straight hours! He got home, told me about his day, showered and now is walking down to SoccerGirl's soccer game which is in the field near our home.

About that picture ... he knows I have it. He laughed. He's just like me, loves to laugh at himself. Good kid, for the most part. The rest of the time he takes after Hubby.

I was busy today tracking down a proper rabbit rescue society. My neighbors who think they are animal people, but end up treating each acquisition like it is disposible, want to give away their rabbit. He's same rabbit I saved from the hawk. They had another but it escaped into the woods (where the hawks have their nest) and hasn't been seen in quite some time. They have had lizards they have given away. They had a corn snake that escaped and died in their heating system. There's been other assorted animals including a Jack Russell terrier who was dropped and had a broken leg. They gave it to rescue because they didn't want the vet bill to fix the leg. STOP BRINGING HOME ANIMALS, please.

Anyway she asked me again after I left a message on her phone saying I rescued the little white boy again because someone had left the latch on his hutch unlatched. When she was talking to me I asked why his hutch no longer had a hide (enclosed bed/shade area) and why there wasn't any hay on the bottom or water for the bunny in there. She guessed whoever's turn it was to take care of the bunny forgot. You would be very proud to know I did not run right over there, push her in her pool and hold her head under until I felt better ... sometime next week.

So I did some investigating and questioning of people in the know and have decided on a rescue, 3 Bunnies Rabbit Rescue. I contacted them, explained the situation and I am meeting the rescue coordinator on Friday morning about an hour from here. I have to get a written note from the neighbor relinquishing custody to us. She has no problem with that, she's just happy to be rid of him. I am trying really hard not to be judgmental here.

And yes, I considered taking the bunny but I believe they should be kept indoors and I just don't have the room or safe haven with the dogs. These rescue people only place with people who believe the same so he will find a loving indoor home very soon. I hope.

Well, that's my story for today. I need to go shower. I had a walk through the woods earlier and had to use bug spray (gasp, cough). I don't know how it is in other regions but the black fly, deer fly and horse fly populations are incredibly nasty this year. Helps me keep a good pace though!

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Something Old, Something New - 2009-08-10
Boom, Boom, Boom - 2009-06-20
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What Has Been Happening With You? - 2009-06-15
What - 2009-06-15