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Forty-Plus ~ The Truth Serum Decade


Monday, Monday ~ 2006-08-07

Bet you couldn't tell I was pissed beyond belief at Hubby on Saturday, could ya? I am such a good actress! Seriously, I made it a nice day but sometimes that man is very, very lucky to draw his next breath. That's all I am going to say about that.

Tomorrow is the day Youngest Son can legally drive, with a permit, on the highway. Luckily Hubby has planned to give him work at a job site far, far way, all day long. He, YS not Hubby, has been chomping at the bit to drive 65 mph. The fastest he has driven is 50 mph. I better get an extra bottle of hair dye.

Did anyone notice the pretty bandaid I had on my left leg in the Saturday AM picture? Yep, fool leaned into the Harley muffler and received second degree burns. That happened early on last Sunday, the same day/night I came down with the intestinal distress. Just what I needed! The burn was bad but not as bad as it was the next day when my friend's puppy ripped the blister right off my wound. Not pretty. And really stupid on my part.

Today I got back to walking and the entire 1.5 hours was spent sounding like this ... step, step-ouch, step, step-ouch, step, step-out. With every step the skin stretched a little bit. Tiny sob.

I cut my hair today. I do it myself every two days. I'm bored. I am going to grow it out beginning in September. I love changing my hair - it's a journey - and I'm ready. If I wasn't getting all kinds of positive recognition because I am so different than the run of the mill gals on Harley's I would have already started the process. Even Hubby, who is NOT a fan of short hair (especially really short hair), asked me to hold off growing it out. Doncha know, a compliment aimed at me is like a direct compliment to him.

Ow! Can you pull a muscle if you roll your eyes hard enough?

There was some frightening gossip circulating the other day. It would seem the construction up at the high school is behind schedule, even though they got the kids out at the beginning of June. A scheduling delay, that's a surprise. Anyway, there's talk of school not beginning until OCTOBER! Youngest Son with me, on me, bored without his brother who will be long at college, nagging, pestering, giving me not a moment of peace and constantly asking for money for an extra month.

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Good thing I don't ever do anything to bug or embarrass him!

Lord, have mercy on this sinner!

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