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Forty-Plus ~ The Truth Serum Decade


Picture My Saturday ~ 2006-08-06

Yesterday's ride for cancer research was excellent! The participants were generous (and nice), the weather was gorgeous, the Newport and then Westerly (beach) traffic wasn't too bad and I remembered the sunscreen (I was a hero to many!).

Here are a few photos from the day.

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Isn't my shirt cute? And the bra held up (and held 'em up) all day, yay!

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The leader of the pack and co-host of the day!

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Tracy modeling a half helmet.

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Don't let the Linus-sweet looks fool ya,
this one is a b-a-d b-o-y and very charming!

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The Host (she) and Co-host (he) of the event.

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After a sixty mile ride it's time to park. Not an easy thing with 42 bikes!

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D and Tracy. He wants her back, she wants him to shape up.

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The sun was bright!

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Judy and her date who seems very, very promising. J and I have been friends
for close to thirty years and I love her to pieces!

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This is Tom and April. I went to school with them, they married
the same year as Hubby and I and they have two teenaged boys like we do.
It was great to spend time with such nice people.

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Here's Judy and her nice guy.

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What else can you do when you're stuck in traffic?

So that was our day. Everyone was really nice. I'm telling you, I've never come across a community of people like this Harley crowd. There doesn't seem to be any competition, everyone seems happy for each other's accomplishments (or bike upgrades) and it's very couple focused but doesn't seem to leave the singles out either. Lots of laughter and good times. I am glad I said okay when Hubby suggested it was time to get a bike again after waiting for the boys to get to a certain age. It's been good for our relationship and good for me. What more can you ask from a hobby?

Have a great Sunday! Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting

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