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Forty-Plus ~ The Truth Serum Decade


Scary & Hot ~ 2006-08-02

I am still feeling the effects of my Sunday night illness. Opalanne (locked, sorry) gave me a link to information about E. coli and scary as it is, most of my symptoms match the description.

Hemorrhagic colitis, the first E. coli symptom, is characterized by the sudden onset of abdominal pain and severe cramps, followed within 24 hours by diarrhea. As the disease progresses, the diarrhea becomes watery and then may become grossly bloody - bloody to naked eye. E. coli symptoms sometimes include vomiting, but rarely fever. The incubation period for E. coli O157:H7 infection (i.e., the period from ingestion of the bacteria to the start of symptoms) is typically 3 to 9 days, although shorter and longer periods are not that unusual. An incubation period of less than 24 hours would be unusual, however.

The thing of it is the three people that I know of became sick within hours of eating there. So maybe it's not e coli. I don't know. The other two people did not get as sick as I did but both had similar experiences and food.

Either way, I'm still feeling off and taking tender care of myself. Yesterday I only ate boiled rice with a little organic chicken broth mixed in. I've been drinking lots of water and nothing else. I thought I felt better this morning so I had a piece of my bread toasted for breakfast. Um, no go. Right back to the cramps and bloody stuff. I'll stick with rice for another day.

Scary stuff.

Today is supposed to be remarkably hot. Oldest Son's playground has planned to stay in the air conditioned gym and classrooms. Smart, a board game/movie/reading day. Youngest Son's baseball team has to be on the field by 4:00 this afternoon for the 5:00 game. I sure hope the heat has subsided by then. I don't know if there is a concession stand there so I might go over to the warehouse for a bunch of mini-sized sports drinks. I'll pack them in ice for the team.

I have to go over to a neighbor's to let out their puppy who has a urinary tract. Poor pooch, when you gotta go, you gotta go!

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