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Forty-Plus ~ The Truth Serum Decade


Recovering & It's Gonna Be H-O-T! ~ 2006-08-01

Thanks for the get well wishes and I am feeling better today. I am still having cramps and some other minor problems but nothing like the twelve hours of real pain I went through Sunday night into Monday noon.

I was talking to a couple of my friends who also ate at the same place I did Sunday night and guess what, they are sick also! This girlfriend said she had a sketchy stomach from eight Sunday night until sometime early Monday morning. She ate at the restaurant around 5:00 PM. Youngest Son's girlfriend's mom also ate there, later than I did, and she woke Monday morning in great intestinal distress that lasted for hours. As of last evening we all were still feeling funky. Interesting, no? And yep, I told the owners who said they hadn't heard from anyone else. The only thing we all had in common was shredded lettuce and tomatoes. What the heck could have gotten on those? Ugh, I don't even want to think of it.

Hubby wanted to go to the local car show last night so we took a ride with my new friend, Tracy, and her ... what label shall I put on him? They were dating, they bought a house and moved in together, she got all his financial ducks in a row, he decided he wasn't ready for a commitment, she and her boys moved back to their old apartment, they remained friends and now he wants to be with her but only when she doesn't ask and it's his idea ... let's call him our other friend because I am a nice girl.

He's a really good guy in a lot of other ways who likes to hang with us. He told Hubby he felt like we were pressuring him to be together with Tracy because "doing things as a couple are more fun than being single." I think that's for him to decide. Besides, I have my own opinion as to whether he is good enough for my friend and it's not the Go Straight To Go card that he thinks he has.

He tells me he gets a kick out of me because I tell it like it is. Just wait until he really crabs out toward Tracy in front of me. Bet my stock with either soar or plummet, either way he'll know just what I think.

Enough of that, here's Tracy and her Harley chauffeur!

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It's supposed to be near 100 degrees today and worse tomorrow. At a couple minutes to 9:00 it's already 85 degrees. I feel bad for Oldest Son, he works for the Parks and Recreation department at playground camp. I told him they should make this week water-fun days. Today the older kids are going to the beach and the younger are going to an indoor pool. I'm glad he's with the younger today, I think indoor will be much healthier. Youngest Son has baseball practice at 6:00, hopefully it will be cooler by then. His team plays their first tournament game tomorrow at 5:00. I will be packing the cooler full of water and sports drinks. Just brutal.

Stay cool on this first day of August!

P.S. Happy 25th birthday to MTV! While others just shake their little fists ... I love Yo Momma!

***12:00 Noon ... the heat index is registering 106. On the coast! Wow.

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Something Old, Something New - 2009-08-10
Boom, Boom, Boom - 2009-06-20
Pets, Pests and Peeps - 2009-06-17
What Has Been Happening With You? - 2009-06-15
What - 2009-06-15