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by Yvonne

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Forty-Plus ~ The Truth Serum Decade


When Past and Present Slide By Each Other ~ 2006-07-28

To those of you who have voiced concerns over the diet. Yep, I know, fad, but most jump-start diets are. In fact, every "diet" is a fad. The only way to balanced health is through a balanced diet. However, sometimes you just need to shock your body into a new phase. Think of it as changing eating patterns for a limited amount of time to train for an event. My event? Feeling a tad more comfortable in my clothes! Not an earth-shaking, civilization-changing thing, but important to me.

I do not feel as tired (although it is still just morning) and today is protein day. Thank goodness. I am supposed to have beef (steak) but I don't see that happening, so I will have my broiled chicken ... in a lovely spinach salad with tomatoes and cucumbers. I will continue to drink my water like a good girl. I actually had way more than my eight bottles of the stuff yesterday. After the concert we stopped at three different places where I had a couple glasses of ice waters each. Seems like I even inspired a few other people to have ice waters too. Not good for the establishments' profits but we still leave healthy tips for our waitstaff.

The beach concert was fun last night. Hubby worked late so we arrived later than expected. I was a little distressed by this but when I thought about it I realized it was nothing in the scheme of things. When we did arrive many of our friends were already there. It was fun walking up on deck to loads of greetings and hugs (but no boobie feels, thankyouverymuch!).

Also at the concert I saw a woman I went to junior and high school with. We were actually best friends until competitiveness ended our friendship. I remember in 8th grade I cut my hair from below my butt to a Dorothy Hamill wedge and she said to me, "I'm so glad you cut your hair. It was the only thing I was jealous of you for." That hurt, we were supposed to be best friends and where does jealousy fit into friendship?

When I was voted varsity captain of the cheerleaders in our junior year (first junior ever) and she was overlooked for any of the leadership positions she ended our public friendship. There was a private friendship only when she needed homework help over the phone and when she sat in back of me in English 12 and tried to copy off my exams. User and a lot of people knew it. However, she was an attractive girl with a knock-out body. Her face was kind of average but she had nice brown hair (Farrah Fawcett cut). She was a pretty good package and she drew a lot of attention.

I can honestly say the only thing I was jealous of was the way her parents treated her. She even carried a love note from her mom in her wallet. I remember her showing it to me and I felt my heart breaking. She had no idea how this felt to me, having a mom who didn't even hug me or say I love you until we were leaving on our honeymoon (at 21). She just wanted my feedback as to whether it was "queer or not." I said definitely not.

Anyway, she moved to Florida, comes up here to visit family during the summer and they always end up at the beach concerts. For the first couple of years she ignored me. One year when Hubby was feeling all lovey toward me, holding my hand and saying very nice things in my ear, she walked right up and introduced herself to him as one of my best friends from high school. A little transparent, no? Hubby has always thought her face was alright and he knows she is mean spirited, "but with a body like that, who cares?" Typical guy but a little stinging to me.

The year after the introduction was the time when I walked into the bathroom and she was coming out. I said hi and she acted like she didn't know me and when I said my name she acted like she couldn't place me. Yes, I was the only Yvonne during our whole school career and I haven't changed much. She was really snotty until she saw I was with a bunch of friends and she was looking bitchy in front of people.

So I spot Miss Body last night as she is cruising around trying to get people to look at her. When I am not emotional about someone I can see them for what they actually look like, but with her she is just who she's always been - the attractive girl with the nice hair and killer body. She attracted the attention from the guys in our group, especially when she sauntered behind us on her way to the bathroom. I'm thinking oh brother, now I have to listen to all kinds of googling, slobby boy praise.

Hubby turned to me and said, "Is that *****? Man, she didn't age well."

I could have laid a big sloppy kiss on him right there. Instead I just reached out, held his hand and we turned back to our conversations.

Later we had to pass directly by her to get to Oldest Son who was working the concert. I didn't make eye contact and Hubby was on the phone (and holding my hand) as we walked by. She was definitely staring. When we got to OS I said, "See that girl over there? I went to school with her." He said, "You mean the *woman* with the (he snickered) Farrah Fawcett hair? Talk about being put away wet. Ugh."

I love him too.

Seriously, she did not look that bad. I know emotions and history can blind a person to what is reality but still. The years of smoking are taking a toll on her facial skin and the hair was a bit much, but her body with her relatively new breast implants was still slim and looking nice in those wicked cute jeans.

Fact or fiction, I felt pretty darn good for myself. I may not be a size 2, but I was looking good enough to catch quite a few compliments last night in my shorts and tank top. Nothing spectacular, just me.

It's nice when just me is enough and feels even better.

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