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Forty-Plus ~ The Truth Serum Decade


No Horses, Again ~ 2007-02-12

Well here I am home again on a Monday morning when I should be gazing lovingly into a horse's eyes and mucking stalls. Youngest Son is vomiting and I couldn't leave him with a clear conscience (is that the correct spelling?).

I am depleted, deflated, absolutely used up and spit out after this weekend. My kids are not acting like the young adults they are. Okay, maybe they are acting like typical young adults but they need to step up in the responsibility arena. Some of my friends are seriously struggling with life issues. Minnie got skunked, but that wasn't as bad as it could have been so it's only a minor moan. The boy dogs keep sniffing each other's bits and that sends everyone, family and guests, into a tailspin. If I say, "that's what dogs do" which makes me have to say, "boys! get out of each other's bits," one more time the top of my head is going to blow clean off. The only person who has only been half-way decent is Hubby. Very patient and supportive. Thank goodness.

I am creating a locked diary because I think I am sharing too much where a simple web search could stir up bad things. And there are other things I'd like to discuss but an open forum is just too careless. I don't want to keep anyone out who's a regular reader but the thought of someone in my every day life stumbling upon what I need to talk about is not a good thing. If you want to be included in the drama let me know your email address and I'll notify you when I've got it all set up. It's sure to be a less guarded truth serum spillage.

Last 5 Updates
Something Old, Something New - 2009-08-10
Boom, Boom, Boom - 2009-06-20
Pets, Pests and Peeps - 2009-06-17
What Has Been Happening With You? - 2009-06-15
What - 2009-06-15