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Forty-Plus ~ The Truth Serum Decade


Sadness and Hope ~ 2007-02-03

Yesterday afternoon SoccerGirl attended the calling hours as soon as they began. She went with a group of girlfriends. SG shared Cameron's mom and older brother seems to be coping the best. His mama said to SG, "I know he's in a much better place," and according to SG seemed to truly believe it. I hope that's true for the peace of her forever changed heart. His older sister and dad are not doing as well. By the time they walked out of the memorial room the line of mourners was out the door, around the building, through the parking lot and into the street. I hope the presence of so many friends brings comfort to Cam's family.

Today is the memorial service. Youngest Son and SoccerGirl will be going. I asked if they needed me to go with them and YS assured me it wasn't necessary. I will drive them there and pick them up. And bring plenty of tissues.

Onto the mundane things of life...

Considering the weather forecast of mixed precipation, and the fact I'm a little on the freaked out about black ice right now, we stayed home last night. Hubby always bugs me about not watching movies with him so when he asked to watch the second Pirates movie last night I agreed. I didn't love this movie when we saw it in the theatre but he wanted to watch it again because he fell asleep the first time. Yep he watched it for twenty minutes, then his viewing was done through closed eyelids. Don't forget the snoring for special effects. And he wonders why I don't like watching movies with him. Sigh.

I have some personal plans today. I hope I can fulfill certain promises to myself. It's a good goal.

Update: One promise I cannot keep to myself today. One to go.

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