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Forty-Plus ~ The Truth Serum Decade


Electric Blanket Time ~ 2007-02-05

It's ten degrees (F) here, but the wind chill brings it down to -7. OooOooo baby, it's cold outside. And what am I doing typing away when I should be feeding horses? Youngest Son has a stomach virus and an extremely painful headache. No school for him and I didn't want to leave him alone, even for five or six hours. Sixteen or six, they definitely need their mamas when they're sick. I gave him a little stomach settling medicine, a bottle of water, a little rub on the back and tucked him back into bed.

Hubby was pushing his weight around last night about me going to the barn today anyway. The cold weather is not a friend to my health and these temperatures are extreme. My problem is (okay, one of my many problems) I hate to admit I'm a wimp. I mean someone has to still take care of the horses. He reminded me I am "only a volunteer" (said nicely and to make a point) and there are others who are paid to take care of the daily chores. I just didn't want to say, "Hi, I cannot work today because it's cold and I don't do cold." Unfortunately for YS he saved me the embarrassment. I called with a "Hi, my youngest son is sick and I cannot leave him." Much easier for me to swallow.

I never got a chance to update about the memorial service. The kids said it was very nice, not overly emotional and the church was completely packed.

I have been feeling achy and sore-throatish for a couple of days. I think once Oldest Son leaves for class I may gather my pooches and crawl back into bed. Sounds like a good plan for a frozen wintery day.

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