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Forty-Plus ~ The Truth Serum Decade


Quick, Get the Cookies Out Of The Oven! ~ 2006-11-22

Youngest Son was pretty sick yesterday but still managed to play Wii tennis, golf and bowling while lying on the couch. Amazingly talented, that one.

Today he was back to his chipper self. It was the last spirit day during spirit week. We (faux) mohawked his hair and sprayed it bright red. He wore school colors and his funky red sneakers. He said he was a big hit at the pep rally and all his friends think he's the bomb. I'm just glad he is enjoying himself because SoccerGirl sure does try hard to make his life m-i-s-e-r-a-b-l-e. I just wish they would decide they hate each other and get on with dating other people. Cripes.

Oldest Son is enjoying his vacation too much. Sleep till noon, play video games until he and his friends decide to leave for pizza and a movie, then stay out until whenever and go to bed sometime before the sun comes up. (Glad I was never like that.) Unfortunately, very soon the boom will be lowered and he won't be as happy as he is right now. 'Tis the thin line between teenage years and adult responsibilities.

I am baking cookies for tomorrow. We are going to the In-Laws. Hopefully it will be a good time. There are many personalities coming together which only happens on this day so it's always interesting. I try to stay out of it but some of the underlying drama does swirl around me. I don't like Hubby's sister's husband, our brother-in-law. He's a pervert and did me a considerable wrong a long time ago. Everyone decided it should be kept quiet because he had already hurt his wife (Hubby's sister) enough and they didn't want to see her hurt any more. My damage could be set aside for her well-being. Yeah, you can imagine there's a little undercurrent sweeping through our family gatherings. I have since taken back my power and he knows to keep his distance while everyone else knows "something" happened, but depending on how far they want to stick their heads in the sand dictates whose fault the problems are. Are families fun or what?

Speaking of families, I haven't heard from my parents (living in Florida since April of 2005) since ... August or September, whenever the last time I gave them a ring. I send them frequent emails concerning the boys with pictures but I haven't gotten anything but stupid spam forwards from them for months. Good grandparents. Actually what they are is a good example of what kind of a grandparent I WON'T be. I always say squeeze those lemons to make lemonade!

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