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Forty-Plus ~ The Truth Serum Decade


Friday Night Plans ~ 2006-11-10

The Volvo trouble seems to be a valve. I can drive it until next Tuesday when it will spend the day at the shop with an auto mechanic who treated me like I am an intelligent person instead of a female who couldn't understand a screwdriver from a hammer. What a nice surprise and probably a first time occurrence. Not worth missing herding practice for but nice nevertheless.

Hubby made an appointment for us to listen to 90 minutes of why we should go in on a time share. One of his friends, someone who has enough money to go on many self-paid vacations (typed at a slightly judgmental speed), told him it's a great way to get free mini-vacations. Apparently if we sit through this presentation without falling asleep or saying something rude we "earn" two fully paid round trip tickets to wherever in the United States with three days/two nights at a hotel. Apparently we don't have to partake in the offered time shares, just listen to the presentation. Hubby even told the sales rep straight out we were not in the market for a time share but he still wants us to come (of course).

While I have a hard time believing there will be no strings attached, I am working even harder to not feel scummy about this. It has a dishonest feel to me. We have absolutely no intentions on buying into this or any other time share, ever. It feels like lying to me. And I know I am going to sit there, with my face all open with (fake) interest and I'll spend 90 minutes making eye contact with this presenter because that's what I do. I'm one of those who sit in the front center seat in the lecture hall, inviting the instructor to teach directly to me.

When I started to voice my dismay over this commitment Hubby lost it. Okay, for Hubby, even after a 14 hour day, losing it means turning quickly toward me and getting a Faith Hill "WHAT?" look on his face. He wouldn't believe I couldn't see the advantages to this situation and "what's 90 minutes?" At first I was going to go into the whole dishonest vibe but when I saw his immediate negative response I went for the time element. For someone who is extremely, umm, what's the correct but nice phrase ... stingy with his time, this surprises me to no end. Even for an appointment at 8 PM on a Friday night it's outside of his usual behavior.

Oh well, mine is not to question. I'll just go, make interested sounds when the presenter shows us beautiful pictures of what could be ours, and theirs, and theirs, and theirs, knowing at 9:30 we get to go to our favorite watering hole for a glass of wine and some good acoustic guitar. That's worth 90 minutes of squirming in a chair to me.

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