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Forty-Plus ~ The Truth Serum Decade


Is It Monday All Over Again? ~ 2007-01-23

You scored as Democrat. <'Imunimaginative's Deviantart Page'>

















What Political Party Do Your Beliefs Put You In?
created with QuizFarm.com

I am almost as disturbed by the democratic rating as the nazi/republican tie. I should have been Green, Green, Green!

Today started out on a bad note. Well, the black cloud was swirling around me, not directly because of me.

I woke to hear Hubby scolding the dogs because one boy was sniffing the other boy's bits (like boy dogs will do) and Hubby hates that. Hubby's knickers were in a full twist by the time he walked into the bedroom after showering. He announced was annoyed because he found more of his good socks in Youngest Son's laundry pile downstairs - offense one: stealing father's socks, offense two: never getting around to doing his laundry and letting the pile cover that side of the basement; he was also annoyed because he walked onto the other side of the house (where Oldest Son's bedroom/bathroom are) only to discover OS had left his bathroom window wide open and the heat set to 73 after a night filled with blowing snow. Lucky for me I've learned Hubby only wants sympathetic noises and appropriate nodding/shaking of the head when he is venting, not possible solutions which would only further annoy him, thus saving me from having to get annoyed with him for disregarding my good ideas.

Then I came downstairs to an email notification that YS had failed three assignments yesterday. There is NO excuse for this, especially since two counted as passing if only they had been passed into the teacher. YS had the nerve to get pissy with me because I brought it up to him before school. Oh, and I added to it with a mention of the sock incident.

He then laid a typed note in front of me, dismissing him from 8:45 to 12:30 today. There are finals but not in his AP classes and he has nothing to do but walk around the hallways. I thought but didn't say: as if you're going to rock your AP exams or semester grades. I told him I could pick him up at 8:45 but he'd have to walk back to school for 12:30 (it's only a ten minute walk) because I have sheep herding lesson today. He tried to be annoyed by my nerve to have a life but I told him to stay at school if he didn't like the arrangement. He didn't speak to me on the ride up to the school and got out of the car without even a goodbye.

I've gone upstairs to wake Oldest Son three times already because he has an hour drive to college and the roads are a little snowy and icy. He's grumbled at me every time.

And people say women are moody and difficult? Holy patience, Batman.

Last 5 Updates
Something Old, Something New - 2009-08-10
Boom, Boom, Boom - 2009-06-20
Pets, Pests and Peeps - 2009-06-17
What Has Been Happening With You? - 2009-06-15
What - 2009-06-15