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Quizzing and Piercing ~ 2007-01-20

You Are More Yang
Are You More Yin or Yang?

This makes a lot of sense to me. Silly thing.

You Are 8% Spoiled
You are definitely not spoiled. You've worked hard for what you have. Down to earth and grounded, you don't need a lot to make you happy.
Are You Spoiled?

This year I'm working on being more spoiled, but appreciating every moment. It's all about the balance.

You Are 75% Passionate, 25% Compassionate
You are very passionate, especially when it comes to love. In fact, it's sometimes difficult for you to tell between love and lust. You jump in head first, and figure things out later... usually when it's all over!
Is Your Love Style Passionate or Compassionate?

Jumped in head first ... nearly twenty six years ago.

Who Should Paint You: Andy Warhol
You've got an interested edge that would be reflected in any portrait You don't need any fancy paint techniques to stand out from the crowd!
What Artist Should Paint Your Portrait?

Does this portrait scream Rocky Horror Picture Show to anyone else? Love me some Dr. Frank-N-Furter ... in those mesh stockings ... with those platform shoes ... *cough* Onward.

You Are 12% Pure
You've been a very bad girl or boy... And you probably enjoyed every minute of it.
How Pure Are You?

Opps. Probably Dr. Frank-N-Furter's fault.

Your Quirk Factor: 47%
You're a pretty quirky person, but you're just normal enough to hide it. Congratulations - you've fooled other people into thinking you're just like them!
How Quirky Are You?

I've always thought of being quirky as a good thing. Speaking of which...

I had my left ear pierced three times yesterday (in addition to the two I already have). I think I am going back today for another three. If I am going to be sore on one side, I might as well do it all at once. Maybe I should have done an addictive personality quiz! If I do get more piercings, I'll share a picture tomorrow.

Oh, one more thing. I had my second riding lesson yesterday. We trotted for most of the time. May I say ... MY ARSE IS KILLING ME!

That's all. Carry on.

Last 5 Updates
Something Old, Something New - 2009-08-10
Boom, Boom, Boom - 2009-06-20
Pets, Pests and Peeps - 2009-06-17
What Has Been Happening With You? - 2009-06-15
What - 2009-06-15