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Forty-Plus ~ The Truth Serum Decade


The Perfect Birthday ~ 2007-01-06

Thank you for all my awesome birthday messages, cards, ecards and good wishes! It really made my day extra special. The only ones who seem to have forgotten were ... my parents! This is typical and it just reminds me what kind of parent and grandparent I want to be. On to better things!

Hubby gave me a great card:

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Inside: Celebrate like someone forgot to lock the gate!

Hubby and the boys took me to a "surf and turf" restaurant where they have the BEST house salad dressing. By best I mean tastiest and pore-stopping-smelliest-for-days-afterwards salad dressing. We only treat ourselves once in a while because it's really fatty on top of really smelly but this gal only turns 43 once!

I asked the boys to take a picture of me with Hubby, then I turned the camera on them. Oldest Son is always willing even though he doesn't like to get his picture taken. Youngest Son, on the other hand and like so many other elements in his life, is always the pill.

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This is Youngest Son's I'm too tough to smile pose and Oldest Son being an angel.

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This was about ten shots into the session as YS is trying to control himself and OS is no longer amused. I love OS's face, I can't tell you how often I see it in regard to his brother.

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And finally, the quality Sesame Street promotes ... Cooperation!

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Hubby and the Birthday Girl! As you can see we definitely did NOT coordinate our sweaters. Ew.

It was a relatively quick dinner since both boys had plans. Hubby and I came home, brushed our teeth, changed into comfy clothes, brushed our teeth, turned on the tv, dozed on the couch, brushed our teeth and I was in bed asleep before 9:30 PM! Yep, that's me celebrating like someone forgot the lock the gate ... to the bed with the electric blanket!

It was an evening filled with laughter and good feelings. The perfect birthday present for my heart.

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