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Forty-Plus ~ The Truth Serum Decade


Already A Full Day: Midnight to 7:30 AM ~ 2006-11-16

12:00 AM: Oldest Son arrives home from a social/sporting event at college.

1:30 AM: I look at the clock in a panic thinking OS is not home yet because, for a moment, I forgot I said hello and goodnight to him when he came into the house.

2:00 AM: Heart rate has returned to normal but now brain is engaged. I comfort myself with the thought of not getting up until 6:45.

5:30 AM: Hubby's alarm goes off. Too many snoozes used causing a hiss and grumble from my side of the bed. Hubby leaves the bedroom to exercise with his knickers in a twist.

6:00 AM: OS dramatically opens and then slams his bedroom door, dramatically opens and then slams the bathroom door, bounces toilet lid off the tank and seat, and bounces it back up to the tank where he must have held it so it wouldn't slam close again. OS is not a morning person.

6:10 AM: The dogs are all lying outside my bedroom door, huffing through the door/floor crack. I don't want to let them in because they've already been out in the rain and I just washed all my sheets yesterday.

6:30 AM: OS is running up and down the stairs as he's trying to get out of the house. Then he is going back and forth to his car, slamming the front door with every pass through.

6:35 AM: Dogs have added whining to the huffing as I give up and throw on some clothes.

6:45 AM: Hubby arrives upstairs, surprised it's so late. How'd that happen? Gets into the shower but only after grumbling at the dogs for being underfoot, which made me take offense and grumble at him about Youngest Son needed that bathroom also. (No one wants to use the bathroom OS uses - he is responsible for cleaning it.)

6:50 AM: I stand out in the back yard with the dogs, not even minding the drizzle thinking how peaceful it is to be outside of my home at the moment.

6:55 AM: YS dramatically opens his door and slams it, yelling: "Mom! Do you know what time it is?" Slams bathroom door and almost rips shower curtain off the rod in his snit.

6:57 AM: Hubby keeps telling me he's running so late, he can't believe it. I wanted to ask him if he fell asleep exercising or did someone move the clocks forward an hour without him knowing. Smartly I keep my tongue still.

6:59 AM: Hubby tears out of here with hardly a goodbye.

7:10 AM: (The time we are usually driving to the high school.) "MOM! DID YOU LOCK MY BEDROOM DOOR?" Yeah, I wanted to see my 16 year old freak out because this morning has been so boring I needed a little spice.

7:15 AM: After consulting on the cell phone with Hubby who simply didn't "have time for this, hold on, large regular coffee, yep that's it, Yvonne I'm late, I can't deal with this now." Um, you're so late but you could sit in the coffee drive thru for fifteen minutes? You gotta know this one's going down in the little black book of Hubby's sins to be used at a later date.

7:16 AM: Fluffed slightly used clothes that happened to be down near the boys' washer and dryer (for God knows how long) and hand off a note to teachers explaining YS's keys, homework and school books are locked in his room and money for lunch. Head out to car.

7:20 AM: "People are probably text messaging me, wondering where I am, but my phone's locked in my room. I hate being late like this. And what's with all this traffic?" I continue to hold my tongue, refusing to accept his nasty tone as if this situation is somehow my fault.

7:27 AM: Dropped YS at school door and amazingly was able to say (with sincerity), "Have a good day. Love you."

Now I join the dogs in the family room for well deserved cuddle and cup of tea.

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