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by Yvonne

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Forty-Plus ~ The Truth Serum Decade


The Fun Was Way Better Than The Sick ~ 2006-07-31

I was so sick last night Hubby offered to take me to the hospital. Now, you might not think that's big, but he didn't even feel a need to get me to the hospital for labor pains that were two minutes apart! It's true, we stopped to get him a coffee and bagel on the way because "he needed some energy for the day ahead." Sweet, ain't he?

Yep, so I was so sick I couldn't focus my eye sight or find my balance, I had chills and sweats, I saw my dinner again (and it wasn't pretty), I was constipated for hours with the most horrendous cramps and then all hell broke loose for many more hours with the cramps sticking around for giggles. I even said to myself, "I can't do this for another moment," which is something I never even said during either labor. I was one sad short girl.

And it was all self induced. Not on purpose but evidently even a mama needs a mama once in a while. First of all, the gastro distress was two-fold. I became very constipated with the diet from last week and hadn't gotten around to taking care of it (bowel movement extremes are a constant in my life so I don't usually get riled about it). Then yesterday we went out on the boat and to the beach with about thirty other people and you know what that means ... lots 'o kids who just love to play in the water. I played and played and played all day and did not have more than a few sips of water (although I did consume quite a bit of ocean water). Bad, bad, bad. I was completely dehydrated but we were moving so fast from the boating to the Harley that I didn't stop to guzzle a bottle or bucket of H2O. Nope, off to listen to a band and then to dinner where I had a lovely taco salad which will now NOT be eaten for another five or ten years. I did have a glass of iced water when watching the band and then at dinner but it just wasn't enough to catch up.

I was miserable from eleven and am just coming around to only slightly uncomfortable. Stupid. And I cut the bottom of my toes on my left foot when playing with the kids. They really hurt. Boo hoo. This weekend warrior thing just might be too much for me. Nah, not really!

Here are some photos from the fun part of yesterday.

I showed the kids how to carefully touch the top of the jelly with their finger pads and then we scooted him on his way. The colors were much prettier than this photo shows.

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The jelly was quite big - 10 or 12 inches across and at least
18 inches long with even longer tiny stingers.

At one point I didn't like how Hubby was treating me (not bad, just not with the respect that is due to me) so instead of getting into it, I took a nice long walk. I met a couple of dogs (and people) along the beach but the cutest was a little Jack Russell with a doggie preserver on. He was very friendly and kept following me even after I said goodbye. The owners said I had to take him home. I don't think they realize I wasn't joking when I said "okay!

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There are three little sand pipers in this photo. They stayed with me
for about five minutes just running a little ahead of me. They were very
entertaining and helped the Hubby-induced irritation disappear.

The favorite game was as many kids who could fit would pile on the boat tube and have me push them out into the currents. Then I would "rescue" them and push them all the way back into shore so others could have a turn. We played for hours. I love the water, I must have been a seal, dolphin and sea otter in another life. :)

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The flutter kick with resistance is a great leg workout!

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I'm in the foreground asking Hubby if he got the picture yet.
Bossy, even from a distance and proud of it!

While I wish I hadn't been sick all night yesterday was really fun. I heard a lot of "Catch me, Yvonne" as one kiddo at a time would jump off the tube into the deep water and into my waiting arms. They thought it was great fun for us to go under water as long as I was holding on and pushing them back up to the surface. The kids were asking me if I liked kids (yes), if I wanted more kids (no, thank you) and if I was going to come back next weekend (probably). Usually the tube is kept on one of the boats but some adult dragged it off to sunbathe and then the kids commandeered it. I think I'd better work on my leg and arm muscles all week, that was quite a workout.

Happy Monday and remember drink plenty of water!

As seen at a friend's (locked, sorry) diary:

'What will your obituary say?' at QuizGalaxy.com

Sounds just about right!

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