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Forty-Plus ~ The Truth Serum Decade


Five Feet and One Inch of Sassy Attitude ~ 2007-04-30

Once again it's Monday which means I have to catch up on the house chores that went untouched all weekend. Those boys of mine, they are messy (and lazy).

Yesterday we attended a blessing of the bikes. A local church holds this event complete with a band, a barbeque and a message. The first year of the event only 35 bikes attended. This was the fourth year with probably three hundred bikes in attendance. Very cool. Hubby's bike was a huge hit as always. He does have good taste (obviously - he's got me!) and isn't afraid to spend the funds to customize. After the blessing we rode with twenty-something other bikes, doing the Harley cruise: ride, stop, look at each other's bikes, comment on each other's bikes, get a quick beverage, get on the bikes, start up the bikes, admire everyone's pipe sounds, ride off as a group to the next place only to repeat the same process. Every time. It cracks me up, these guys and the amount of BS they can talk about their bikes.

Hubby is hugely particular about his Harleys. They are in perfect condition and they are always gleaming clean. Lots of chrome means lots of time spent cleaning. We don't ride out until everything is perfect. At our dinner stop we heard some idiot burning his (motorcycle) tire in the parking lot. I hate that, it's stupid and dangerous. The smoke kills me and the burning rubber smell is horrible. A friend, Melissa, and I got up from the table to look out the front window along with some other people. We couldn't even see the owner as he ran out the front door to stop the stupidity the white smoke was so thick. When the smoke cleared I realized the fool had sprayed our group's bikes with hot rubber. And what was worse, Hubby's bike got plastered.

I stomped out the front door as the owner was coming back in. He said, "oh no," and kept walking. I walked over to the bikes and loudly said, "who the hell did this?" Mind you, this place is a bikers' cafe. Big, bad, ugly boys abound. There were at least eight guys outside watching this little demonstration. The burnout dude turns around all smug-like and said, "I did. Got a problem with that?" I said, "You're damn right I have a problem with it. Look what you did to my f*ing bike!" He started blinking his eyes like he couldn't believe I was giving it to him. The other guys got really quiet and I said, "Come over here and look at my bike!" He did. Like a whipped puppy he stood there as I pointed out what he did to such a nice bike and how little respect his "little childish demonstration" showed the other bikers who obviously care about their machines. He offered to "wipe it off" to which I told him to never touch the bike. Then I made him walk inside and apologize to Hubby. Hubby was p-i-s-s-e-d but he's really controlled and just acted mad at the putz. I didn't think there was much left of the guy to chew-out so I turned around, grabbed the broom that was by the bar and told him he really should go clean up his mess for the owner.

Melissa was rolling. She had stayed inside (like the other intelligent observers) when I walked outside to survey the damage but watched from the front window. She said, "You should have seen yourself out there, pointing at the bike and at his chest and him slumping his shoulders and nodding his head." Yep, they're all the same - so big and bad until some 5'1" mean old bitch gives them a long overdue lecture.

He followed us around all night trying to buy us drinks and pay for our dinners. He seemed sincere with his apologies but c'mon, have a little respect, you're not 16 and other peoples' bikes are expensive and well cared for even if you no respect for your own machine.

Hubby and I really haven't had a private moment to discuss the event but I'm sure once he gets home tonight to clean his bike he'll remember to speak to me about my mouth. Hubby doesn't like confrontation. He's of the theory of what's done is done, no words will change it. He especially hates when I confront strangers. Usually I limited my confrontations to people who are doing wrong by kids or animals but this was over the top, which is exactly how he's going to say I acted. Oh well, it all worked out in the end and all the guys who witnessed the chewing out hung with us for the rest of the night and seemed to appreciate my "brass balls."

So now I am off to clean my house and maybe put a new shine on those brass babies. Happy Monday!

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