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Forty-Plus ~ The Truth Serum Decade


Happy Saturday ~ 2007-04-28

I only have a couple minutes before I have to start my morning animal feeding routine as I am leaving for the barn for the early feeding because they are short on regular staff. I'm wonderful like that ... okay, to tell the truth I need another horse fix.

You want to know what I love? Now that the weather is warming up the birds start singing right before dawn. Loud, right in the tree in front of my house. I think the paper delivery wakes them up at 3:20 then they adjust the amplifier to full blast and sing away. That makes me lie there and smile. Their loud singing makes Hubby grumble. That makes me lie there and smile bigger. I am not a nice woman but trust me, I have to grasp my little pretend power where I can, even it he never knows about it.

Tonight we are scheduled to go out with friends to a comedy show and then to watch a band. There will probably be a dinner before. All this socializing around food is boring me to tears. I am trying to lose weight before bike week and even though I only have a garden salad with grilled chicken breast, every dinner, we are still eating too late for my screwed up metabolism. I need to tan before we go, that makes a person look slimmer, right?

I also want to re-dye my hair today. Last time I used a medium auburn and it looks purple which would be okay if I was going for the purple look but I wasn't. I'm thinking with my naturally red highlights and the very special grey ones the auburn dye just ran away to plumville. Today I am trying golden brown, hopefully it won't look like something I muck out of a stall!

SOB! I drove all the way there only to find the property caretaker (who only does the feedings when he absolutely has to) had already done the AM feeding. It's not even supposed to start until 8:00 and usually takes until 9:30. I got there at 7:53 and he was already wrapping it up. He heaves the hay flakes into the paddocks instead of making separate piles, (OCD Alert Personal Hint - I place the flakes at comfortable horsey-spaced and visually appealing intervals, on the best looking ground and open the flakes to make the more appetizing. I'm sure the horses appreciate my efforts!). The caretaker hardly waits for the horses to finish with their feed bags before he's pulling them off their heads and he never takes the time to pick the feet of the horses not being used during the day. UGH!

And I'm so sad for myself. I really wanted some horse therapy today but if I stayed I would have gotten roped into working the barn and then I couldn't have gotten out by 10:00 like I wanted. Poor, poor Yvonne.

Now I have to make a decision - should I take a wee nap on the couch or just get started with my day? WWTDD? (What Would The Dogs Do?) Ah, they're already taking their morning naps on the couch and chair. Looks like there's no room for Yvonne. Might as well get started on turning my purple hair to brown and other fun Saturday projects.


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