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Forty-Plus ~ The Truth Serum Decade


Computer ... is ... dying ... ~ 2007-04-18

My golden children have invited some sort of nasty virus into my beloved computer. Each page takes minutes to load. We have to detox this machine but I have to wait for Hubby since he has all the knowledge and discs. I am trying to keep up with everyone by clicking on their page then going to do a chore and when I'm finished I come back hoping the page is there and the computer hasn't dumped me off the internet. Very frustrating.

Before I disappear I wanted to wish Lauren (locked) a very happy birthday (a day late)!

It's school vacation. Youngest Son and SoccerGirl have been threatened by the plank - whether it's to walk it or get smacked by it - many, many times. Boredom is what killed the mama, that and their obnoxious attitudes.

The weather continues to suck but the weather guessers are dangling a 60's with bright sunshine carrot for the weekend. I'll believe it when I see it.

I don't know anyone personally involved in the Virginia situation but that doesn't stop the tears from flowing. Have you watched those precious nuggets' faces at the ceremonies? Heartbreak with no hope of understanding why.

Last 5 Updates
Something Old, Something New - 2009-08-10
Boom, Boom, Boom - 2009-06-20
Pets, Pests and Peeps - 2009-06-17
What Has Been Happening With You? - 2009-06-15
What - 2009-06-15