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Forty-Plus ~ The Truth Serum Decade


Babbling On ~ 2007-02-23

I'm beginning to worry someone is going to report me to the funny farm for having dual personalities. A light and airy entry here and then slammo! heavy over there in the locked one. I promise, there's only one Yvonne - Hubby would probably jump off the nearest bridge if there was more!

Speaking of the man, I greeted him with these words today - "Enjoy your last day of being 42!" I'm evil, I tell you. He is a little sensitive about his age, where I am all gangbusters about "gaining wisdom." *snort* We begin his birthday weekend tonight with a dinner at Michael J*rdan's. The boys will be joining us but no girlfriends and no adult friends. Yay. I only eat the side dishes there - I'm not a steak-a-saurus. In fact, I only look at my plate, my glass and the faces at my table. I NEVER look at their plates because everything is so nasty bloody. Gag.

I wish we were going back to the Bamb** Forest where we enjoyed a great Valentine's Day dinner. There's plenty for me to choose from there but it's his birthday and he and his boys love their red meat.

Tomorrow is Hubby's actual 43rd birthday. In the evening we are going to listen to a popular band with our huge summer crowd. I hope it will be fun, we haven't seen many of these people since September. The club gets really hot (low ceilings) when there's a lot of people dancing and I have this great grey tank top with a cross that has experienced The BeDazzler. (Don't be jealous!) I need to find an overshirt that will allow it to be seen just in case I'm too cold to just wear the tank. I'm sure there will be pictures to share - good, bad and ugly.

Sunday afternoon is a cabin-fever party at our local watering hole with a free buffet. I hope the weather will be excellent between parties - I'll need to spend hours and hours walking just to have room for more food! Not good for the healthy eating plan, not at all.

Today I have to do a couple errands. Thankfully the snow from last night was just a bit more than a dusting. Just enough to make things a little messy but not delay school. I am going to pick up a piece of carrot cake from a local deli because they use Hubby's favorite recipe.

Oh, here's a good one for you. I just found a piece of paper folded into eighths on my desk (among my billions of papers and piles). I thought, what the heck, I never fold my papers uneven (hello, OCD much?) and opened it. There's a http address on it written in Oldest Son's chicken scratch. Of course I had to type that right in and see what's what. I am now on my way to kick his butt out of bed so he can try to explain to me why he went to a smut site. I actually know - because there is a boop shot of a someone from our hometown. They are Dolly Pardon/Anna Nicole (r.i.p. girlfriend) sized. There aren't too many women in our hometown that can fill that picture frame so I know who it is. The questions are: 1. why did he feel the need to see them (because he's a guy and he probably got the address from one of his other guy friends - "DUDE! You have to see so-and-so's ******!"), 2. why did he use MY computer to access this possibly virus ridden site (because it's too hard to walk up to his bedroom to retrieve his laptop), and 3. how stoooopid was it to leave the scrap of paper on my computer desk, right in front of me, the nosiest mother in the world (really stupid, but completely typical).

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