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Forty-Plus ~ The Truth Serum Decade


Crampy Wednesday ~ 2007-01-31

Thankfully there was no article in the paper this morning about the accident. Yesterday's article concentrated on the fact Connecticut has a law which prohibits anyone under 18 from driving after midnight. The accident happened at 1:30 AM. Cam shouldn't have been on the road. Connecticut law also prohibits new drivers from having anyone but their parents in their car for the first three months. He had just gotten his license on November 21. He should not have had a passenger, not even one who had paid him $5.00 to take him to McDonalds.

The high school kids felt like the paper was attacking Cam and his family. I can see why they felt that way but the fact is, he WAS breaking the law and his parents weren't watching him close enough. There will be other adults who carry as much or even more blame once all the facts come to light but Cam would be laughing and entertaining his friends with his great sense of humor if only he obeyed the curfew law.

Bittersweet quote of the day:

this whole thing made me want to stop all drama. no hate no dislike there is no reason for it life's way to short.never take anything for granted because you NEVER know what is going to happen. It's something you always say or always hear but its serious, and i sincerley mean it. live to love.

These poor young people. What a way to learn it's the moments that count.

I worked at the barn this morning. It was pretty cold but not horribly so. I feel a little thrill when I walk into a paddock and the horses recognize me. Okay, not such a little thrill but I don't want everyone to think I'm as weird as I actually am. It was my thankful experience of the day.

Doing the sidewalking for the hour class is NOT my favorite part at all. Between it being just plain bad for the nerves in my neck and the horse leader smooshing me between the big horse and hard wall, it's no fun. I ended up speaking with the instructor about the smooshing situation who said she had spoken to this particular leader before but would remind her. And she did, three or four times in a twenty minute period. I feel bad because I have to lift my arm to kind of pressure/poke the horse with my elbow and he is already pounded by the two clients who ride him. Heavy sigh.

Tomorrow I return to the specialist concerning my IUD. I cannot have it removed because Hubby didn't do as he promised which makes me the one solely responsible for birth control. If it has implanted itself I believe I will have no choice but to have it surgically removed. If that's the case I will not be a very happy camper. I am not looking forward to this appointment at all. Dreading it, in fact. Please send some courage and luck vibes because I need them.

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