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Forty-Plus ~ The Truth Serum Decade


Crappy Moods Must Be Contagious! ~ 2006-12-10

Ha! It's Hubby's day to be on the war path! Travel well, sweet sir!

Thankfully he had errands to run and I have chores to complete here. That certainly works for me. Actually he wasn't in a bad mood until I reminded him of all the little things that need to be taken care of to-day (like his son's car brakes that are metal on metal). Let me tell you, nothing is ever where HE left it. Does anyone know a remedy for those pesky tool stealing gremlins that obviously live in my basement? His woodworking shop is spotless and obsessively organized, but that's business. To take a day to straighten up his junk at home, not so much fun.

Phew, he just pulled up in the driveway to find the size of something that has to do with the brakes and almost caught me typing this and eating Baked Lays! Actually he wouldn't care about any of that but when he's busy I try to look busy too. Silly gal.

We usually have an artificial tree and somehow last year's model got thrown away in one of Hubby's basement purges, along with some rather meaningful ornaments. I tell him all the time to just keep out of my stuff because he's got enough of his own to throw away but noooooo. I'm not adding this to his little black book of sins because I'm feeling generous today. *snort* Anyway, I had to go out and buy another tree. On the box it look so fab-o I decided to go with all red decorations because I was thinking "ooo, so classy with white lights and red decorations."

The other night I set that sucka up and it's a CHARLIE BROWN TREE! I paid that much for a CB tree? I'm so embarrassed I'm not even going to share a picture of it as a whole. It's bad. I do like two things though - the tree shirt I bought like ten years ago:

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I adore animal prints no matter what anyone says, especially my mother who just about fell over in a faint when she saw it. The memory of which alone added to my pleasure when I was spreading the skirt out under the pathetic CB tree.

And I bought these ultra cheap glittery snowflakes which catch the light at night so nicely:

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I guess I should buy some garland or some sort of greens to fill in the middle of the poor tree. It's so bad the men didn't even hassle me when they first saw it. That's that bad.

I am rearranging photographs on this side of the house today. I created a family wall that is so unbelievable stiff and conventional it makes me grimace every time I walk into the room. It didn't help that someone (um, Hubby) walked off with my light blue fifteen foot girlie measuring tape "that is good for nothing" during his last home project and I had to measure everything with the length of my hand (7 inches, in case you were wondering!). Okay, I'm done whining. Have a good Sunday!

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Something Old, Something New - 2009-08-10
Boom, Boom, Boom - 2009-06-20
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What Has Been Happening With You? - 2009-06-15
What - 2009-06-15