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Forty-Plus ~ The Truth Serum Decade


Yammering Away ~ 2007-05-23

I'm feeling a tad annoyed. I'm sure it's just a spoiled, selfish thing 'cause, you know, I don't have my husband's undivided attention now that we're home. It WAS nice while it lasted. I remembered why I chose him to be the lucky dude of my life. Sometimes we perfect spouses need to be reminded of that!

Next subject: I am in need of more tattoos. If you don't have any that statement won't make any sense but if you do, you get it. I'm thinking of these, inside of my wrists, down about two inches ...

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Celtic horse

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Capricorn symbol

They'll be small but not tiny. Just a little something for me to admire. I'd better get to it soon before swimming in the ocean season begins.

I've up'ed the battle against my weight. I actually lost five pounds between the time we left for Myrtle Beach and when we got home. That's a little surprising (considering the level of alcoholic naughtiness "some people" engaged in) but my body is weird from the years of dysfunctional eating habits. Sometimes it takes a sudden change or a shock to my system to get it to give up the starvation mode. I have really clean eating habits considering all my stupid food and chemical allergies but my metabolism prefers to putter in idle. I need to take advantage of this time if my body is actually cooperating.

One thing that did happen in Myrtle Beach is I looked around and realized I have accepted other people's ideals (on physical attractiveness) as my own, becoming very unhappy with myself in the process. I realized these ideals are almost impossible to achieve and really kind of cruel when it comes down to it. It was liberating and really allowed me to look at myself through my own eyes. This renewed emphasis on weight loss has nothing to do with anyone else but myself - how *I* feel about what I want to see in the mirror. It's a good and positive place to be and I hope I can maintain this point of view.

Onward. Did I mention I bought two pairs of cowgirl boots in Myrtle? I did and I love them. Well, I have only worn the black pair but they are unbelievably comfortable. I have always liked but avoided cowboy/girl boots because I felt like they made my feet look too long with the pointy toe thing but these are more reasonable in their tip. And I got these brass tipped ones on the way home but haven't worn them yet. I'm not used to wearing such a low heel but with the degree of comfort, I'm quickly adjusting.

I guess that's about all the chatter I have for today. It's going to be another bright, sunshiny day making indoor chores a priority early on so I can get outside when it's nice and warm. I cannot believe the difference in my whole life/pain level when it's warm and sunny. I can see a move to a year-round warmer climate sometime in our future.

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Something Old, Something New - 2009-08-10
Boom, Boom, Boom - 2009-06-20
Pets, Pests and Peeps - 2009-06-17
What Has Been Happening With You? - 2009-06-15
What - 2009-06-15