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Forty-Plus ~ The Truth Serum Decade


Day Two ~ 2007-04-02

Thirty-nine days until Myrtle Beach bike week which means it's Day Two of the spiced up War on Fat. The good news? I got on the scale yesterday and I weighed less than I had anticipated. The bad news? It was still a number that displeased me. But a happier start, that's for sure. I probably won't discuss this whole thing much until I have some numbers to report but just know I am miserable and probably a little extra bitchy to those who can't run away from me!

Hubby and I have been involved in more new motorcycle sales than many of the sales department at the local Harley place. It's becoming a joke down there (to some but definitely not to all, little cringe). It's nice for us because with every successful referral we received a $100 gift card. It takes a "free" gift card for me to spend money. All it takes for Hubby to spend money is to walk through the shop's door and want something. Ying and Yang.

Hubby had a TALK with Youngest Son yesterday. Not a sex talk but a "get off your mother's back and stop being so rude to her otherwise I WILL kick your butt" talk. My knight in shining armor. I thought it was really rather romantic and told him so later in the day. He thought I was being sarcastic or just silly but I told him I was being completely sincere. Our son drives me insane with his willingness to blame me for all the perceived wrongs of his world. Just thinking about the thing Hubby said makes me heart do a little pitter patter. Awww.

This is love after a couple of decades.

Today is catching up on the chores day. Since I changed my barn days from Monday and Wednesday to just Thursday I've been able to keep up here and with other responsibilities much better. Wimp that I am, two days doing real work was just kicking MY butt. My recovery skills suck so I needed to better manage things and I am. An old dog can learn new tricks!

Last 5 Updates
Something Old, Something New - 2009-08-10
Boom, Boom, Boom - 2009-06-20
Pets, Pests and Peeps - 2009-06-17
What Has Been Happening With You? - 2009-06-15
What - 2009-06-15