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Forty-Plus ~ The Truth Serum Decade


Spike's First Spa Treatment ~ 2007-03-21

I had to stay home this entire lovely day because I had to wait for the delivery of Harley pipes for Hubby. I was not overjoyed but the U*S guy will not leave anything on the front deck so I had to be able to answer the door.

He finally came about an hour ago so I ran out to the pet store. Why? Because I had to buy a Cricket Condo! The Bearded Dragon (still unnamed but I am leaning toward Spike) needs crickets daily and I cannot count on being able to shoot down to the store every day. Thus a container for those insects including a dish for their food and water source called Cricket Quencher! According to sources the Dragon could eat other bigger, meater things but crickets are as far as I can personally go. Ick.

Let's try his name and see how it feels - Spike had his first bath today. I don't know if his former mama bathed him, doesn't matter because I'm his everything now! He was so good as I carried him over to the sink filled with an inch of warm water. He gave a moment of spikes in my hand but settled right down. He allowed me to pour water from my hand all over his back and head. He likes it when I pet his head with my finger tip too - he shuts his eyes. He's sweet, just like a scaly miniature dog.

I'm sure it's the tail end of exhaustion and winter but I really need a good cry. One of those cries when boogers are not wiped off until the very end. I give it my all - ugly facial expressions, half formed words and arms motions. I've looked at the calendar and I might have to put if off until NEXT Tuesday. There's always someone around and I need the house to myself during leakage and for recovery, ice on the eyelids time. Anyone else do this or am I the only weird one out here?

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